CHAPTER 1: Hudson

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College was finally over and after graduating with my degree in Business, I have been trying to figure out in how I was going to start it up. I needed a loan and had thought about asking my Aunt for one but I would always talk myself out from doing that because I knew that she most likely would have had to dip into my inheritance and from what she told me, it was a whole lot of money.

It was in fact more than enough to take care of me and if I ever had a family one day, for the rest of mine and their lives. I was blessed. Lucky, if you'd rather use that and I could take her up on that but the truth is that deep down inside, I have always wanted my own business and just feel bad for asking. Not to mention she gives me a monthly allowance already-yes I know I am spoiled.

Don't get me wrong, the money, properties she owns and so forth, I will happily accept when the time comes, in which I hope it isn't soon because I have no idea in what I would do without her.

It's nice where she lives because it's in a small town on a small island like the place almost in Alaska that was in the movie 'The Proposal.'

My Aunt Gale has been a great aunt and has been a lot like a second mother to me after my parents were killed in an accidental fire when I was little. It was my fault. I was doing something I shouldn't have and right when I thought I was going to be caught and get into a lot of trouble, I had tried to put the little fire out but it was too late and the flames kept getting bigger and the fire started spreading all over the house in just seconds and a couple short minutes also. 

I miss them terribly and when I went off to college, I had left a lot behind me in a way and she was very proud and supportive of me always still no matter what. She always said that having an education was one of the most important things to have.

We have kept in touch this whole time just I haven't gone back to physically see her yet. I had heard she had gotten a caretaker even, several a few months ago and I have felt bad about that. I should be the one taking care of her.

I have to admit though that after I finished college a couple years ago, I miss my Aunt Gale and haven't been able to talk to her the past few weeks because of how busy I was. And that is why I am planning to actually head back home to see her and maybe even help out some more since I am almost out of the money she had given me recently for my monthly allowance.

I had moments ago booked a flight to go and see her and then a couple moments after I finished packing, I heard my cell phone go off. When I looked down to see who it was, I saw it was my Aunt and right away smiled real big because I couldn't wait to tell her I was coming to see her.

"Hey Aunt Gale!" I greeted her excited and with a huge smile.

"I-is this Hudson?" I heard a trembling female timid voice on the other end who sounded like she was crying.

"Yes?" I replied unsure as to who this was.

"You probably don't remember me but, it's Meghan. We used to be good friends a long time ago. Anyways, I've been your Aunt's caretaker and just recently she had a heart attack and unfortunately has passed away." She says through sniffles.

"What?" I asked.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and I began feeling weak at the knees, light headed and almost on the brink of passing out too. So I sat down on the edge of my bed as I tried to comprehend what I was just told.

"I'm so very sorry. The funeral is tomorrow afternoon." She states.

"Wait, what? Tomorrow?" I asked confused. "Isn't that soon?" I asked.

"Well actually, she passed a few days ago and me including all her close friends and some of your family have been trying to put it together. I didn't call you when it happened because it took forever to find your number." She began to explain.

"I don't believe this." I say.

"Will you be able to make it?" She asks.

"Of course. I will actually be arriving in the morning and will meet you and everybody at the house. Then we can take off to the cemetery together." I tell her.

"Okay. It will be good to see you again." She says.

Once we hang up, I toss the phone onto the bed and bury my face in my hands while breaking down to cry. I haven't sobbed like this since my parents funeral.

Tomorrow wasn't going to be enjoyable and not just because of the funeral. More because I haven't seen Meghan in a very long time and still feel bad for getting distracted and all caught up in popularity that I allowed us to become strangers. Also, not to mention I will be seeing family that I haven't seen in a very long time and who I honestly don't know too well or it's just that we don't like each other. 

My Aunt Gale was the last family member I knew and was close to. Then now to add to my list of regrets, right up there next to Meghan and my friendship that was lost a long time ago, was me not coming back sooner and taking care of her. Not to mention not being able to say goodbye and telling her that I love her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, so this is the first chapter of my new story-well, one of them. The next new one I will let you all know when that is post but am still working on the concept for it. In the meantime though, of course, I hope you enjoy the other ones that I have been posting for along with this new one. I am also, putting some things about what's going on today with the virus, into this story. Been trying to think about a story to do that idea for (after many requests for a story like that)and just now thought of adding it to this one.
So again, I hope you all enjoy this and I will post the next chapter tomorrow. :);) Love you all! :):):)

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