CHAPTER 20: Meghan

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Breakfast seemed to have gotten tense and a bit awkward by the time I had returned with some food for Hudson. 

I noticed immediately that both him and Duke were having a staring contest it seemed. Duke had soon excused himself and had gone upstairs into his room which looked to have calmed Hudson down a little. 

"What was that all about?" I asked while sipping my coffee. 

"I should ask you the same thing." He says after shoving the last bite into his mouth then starts drinking his coffee. 

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I asked feeling confused and a little upset because he sounds like I just betrayed or something. 

"Just yesterday you had been mentioning about how uncomfortable he makes you feel and everything and then this morning you're both suddenly 'good friends'?!?" He says. 

"Of course not. I just woke up and thought about the situation in the fact that he apparently has permission to stay here, legally. So we might as well try and get along. At least until we hear back from the lawyer." I explained to him. 

I really could care less about befriending Duke and I don't blame Hudson for assuming what he did but I honestly don't want to have things become like they were when I lived with my parents-hostile and uncomfortable. 

All day long we had kept to ourselves mostly while Duke stayed mainly upstairs. There were many times I had felt like he was keeping something from him. In fact, I got the feeling the moment I handed him his breakfast. 

You could cut the tension between them both with a knife. However, I deep down inside didn't want to know what he was thinking in case it was really bad. 

Just to make sure we didn't see Duke again, I suggested we go upstairs. Once we got up there, I wanted to take a nice relaxing bath and try to soak away all negativity. 

So I lit some nice scented calming candles he had bought for me before this 'stay at home order' for the quarantining order was made along with some bath salts. 

I had folded up a towel and propped it up against one of the ends of the tub and laid down. The moment the bubbles from the little body wash I had used and the warm water touched my skin, I immediately started to close my eyes and drift away to a different place that was more peaceful and where both me and Hudson liked together with a couple of kids. 

Everything at this moment seemed surreal to me and a couple of times made me wonder if we were in the Twilight Zone or not. 

Once again though, it's real great that I have Hudson with me. I've never been so happy in my life than he makes me feel. There has even been several times since he's been back where he says or does something that reminds me of his Aunt Gale. Damn! I sure do miss her. 

Things will get better, I'm sure. No point on focusing on the bad when it'll distract you from all the good-then what?

I seemed to have lost track of time but knew it was time to get out as I noticed I looked like a prune all over from soaking a long time. 

So I got out, put my night gown on then as soon as I had opened the door and saw Hudson sitting up in bed against the headband looking down at his laptop, I slid into bed with him and noticed he was reading an email from the lawyer. 

After asking him what it said, I was real shocked and surprised at what all he told me. I'm glad he did but now I feel a bit worried. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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