CHAPTER 21: Hudson

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She did have a point earlier about trying to be nice in the meantime, I guess. Although I should tell her about what I saw last night with him snooping around my Aunt Gale's bedroom in the middle of the night, I can't. 

Mostly it's because I don't want her to become more paranoid and worried about him. So for at least right now, I should keep it from her. 

Throughout most of the day, Meghan and I watched movies and kept to ourselves while it looked like Duke wasn't leaving as he has stayed in his room ever since he went in there earlier after breakfast. 

I couldn't make a big deal at the moment because Meghan doesn't know what him and I discussed or anything. 

I have gut feeling that he's up to something though and I swear on my Aunt Gale's life that I am going to find out exactly what it is. 

Meghan and I both had waited all day for a call back from the lawyer but he never did. Next, before going to bed, I had gone onto my laptop to try and watch some YouTube when I noticed an EMAIL notification window and popped up on my screen to show I had a new message. 

Meghan had just come walking out of the bathroom and slid into bed next to me just as I finished reading the EMAIL from the lawyer. 


       My apologies for not returning your phone call from earlier, things have been real crazy and busy and just received your message moments ago. My phone is charging at the moment and before I went off to bed, I wanted to tell you that I can assure you that your Aunt Gale never NEVER left Duke anything, let alone 'permission' to stay at the house. Now I have already sent an EMAIL to a good friend of mine who works for the FBI and is going to look into Duke's history. So as soon as I have more information, I'll call you. 
Please take care, especially during this time with this virus and don't hesitate to reach out. 

Hope to hear from you soon. Take care. 

"What did he say?" Meghan asks me. 

I took in a deep breath and let it all out before I began to tell her everything. Then after I finished, we sat there both quiet for a brief moment. 

"No matter what happens, I want you to go everywhere with me and don't ever want you alone with him ever." I start telling her. 

She starts to nod in agreement. 

"Of course not. But Hudson, what if he's looking for something that's in the safe in the panic room?" She asks me worried. 

"I doubt it. But it doesn't matter because I had already taken everything that was in it out and placed all the items into my backpack that I have in the closet. Besides, I doubt he would ever find out where it is." I try to reassure her. 

"Why did you take the things out from there?" She asks. 

"Well, I honestly wasn't sure if rather or not with this virus and everything going on if we would be able to stay here and just in case things got worse, to where we needed to leave, we would have everything we needed." I explain. 

"Huh." She says. "If we ever have to meet up with the lawyer or leave the house for anything, we should take it with us, just in case." She suggests. 

"Okay." I smile at her then give her a kiss on the lips before we cuddled and fell asleep. 

*****A Few Days Later*****

It took a few days before we heard back from the lawyer and we have been trying to stay away from Duke while at the same time making sure we didn't make our 'uneasiness' be noticeable by him. Although he hasn't been coming out of his room since the night before last anyways but we wanted to be cautious still just in case.

The lawyer asked both Meghan and I to meet up with him at his office and since I mentioned to her she would be going anywhere I went and the fact we couldn't trust Duke and leave the bag of stuff I took from the safe in the panic room, I grabbed the backpack and we started to head over towards the lawyer's office.

We were both a little nervous at what he would tell us but at the same time, we knew we had to figure all of this out.

The weirdest part though at the moment was the fact we were leaving the house wearing a face mask and some latex gloves even that she wanted to wear for just in case. We felt like it was a scene from a movie.

Even the town looked bare and hardly anybody was walking around.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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