CHAPTER 3: Hudson

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I have to admit that walking up the way and into my Aunt's house, everybody seemed to have stopped and looked at me.

Then they all started approaching me, hugging me and giving their condolences for the loss of my Aunt. Mind you that the majority of my family haven't really ever talked to me or my Aunt. We all never really gotten along since my parents death so in a way, all these people here that are my so called 'family' are really more like strangers or friends and acquaintances I had met a handful of times in my life that mostly knew my Aunt Gale.

Then I noticed out the corner of my eye, Meghan. My god she hasn't changed too much. Still has her thick curves that I had always liked and am glad she never starved herself the way she used to try and I would always have to talk her out of it.

I'm not so sure in what happened next as I felt a little hurt and confused in a way when I saw Meghan suddenly turn around and head towards the kitchen where I followed after her and made my way through people.

She was getting some water then after finishing guzzling it down like she was extremely thirsty and when she turned around, before I had a chance to reach out and turn her around to face me, she turns herself around and hits my chest. I though it was cute when she began blushing after seeing it was me she had just walked into.

"Hey." I greet her with a smile.

"Heyyy." She tries playing it cool and hiding her embarrassment.

"I've missed you so much. It's good to see you." I start hugging her.

She right away hugs me also and is holding me tightly as well in return as I start feeling her place the side of her head against my chest.

"I've missed you too." She replied.

It felt good to hug her. She smelled amazing and I don't know, it almost makes me think about what it was like back when we were friends and kind of miss it actually.

We pulled apart the moment we heard one of my other aunt's had interrupted us by peeking into the kitchen telling us it was time to go to the cemetery.

We looked at one another for a few more seconds sharing a non-awkward moment but more of a calming moment of silence until I ask her to sit with me and be by my side throughout the service. To which she of course agreed to.


During the car ride over to the cemetery, I hadn't realized just how many lives she had touched until I took a look around at everybody. Although I quickly begin remembering my aunt always telling to be careful in who you trust with all the money you have-even when it comes to family.

That always had stuck with me but I also remember the few people she did trust, including me, she was the best person you could ever have in your life and would do whatever for anyone. I had admired her and in a way, she was like a hero to me.

There were so many people here that I'd say maybe one hundred? Although it's possible I am just not able to think clearly and it just looks that way to me right now. But there were only a few rows of folding white chairs and the rest had to just stand and watch.

I do however, take notice after a while that I am holding Meghan's hand on my lap and I look at her and notice her looking at my aunt's casket a few feet away from us getting ready to be lowered into the ground, crying.

I knew how much she appreciated my aunt and how much my aunt meant to her always. I even had found out what all she had done for my aunt and was happy to know that at least someone taking care of her could be trusted.

So I started rubbing her back and letting her cry on my shoulder as I moved her closer to me and tried comforting her.

The reverend finishes speaking and has us all close our eyes then bow our heads down while he says a prayer for her then after we all say 'Amen', everybody starts to come up one by one and lay a pink rose (my aunt's favorite flower and color) on top of her coffin then stood back and watched as I said my final goodbyes and then watched as they slowly lowered her down into the freshly dug hole in the ground. She was now at peace.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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