EPILOGUE: 7 Years Later.....

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Things were changed forever since that day shit went down the way it did.

I had thought at first that maybe we would need to testify against Duke or something along those lines but it turned out that there was too much evidence stacked against him already with what he did added that we were told we didn't need to do anything. 

It's been one hell of a ride for both Meghan and I and I know that there's nothing that can be changed and like my Aunt always believed such as never dwelling on the past since there isn't anything you can do to change it. Besides, it helps shape us.

I miss her so much and wish she never does but I guess it wasn't all a total loss or downer since it helped bring Meghan back into my life and helped us get together and make amends.

It took a little over a year from that day for there to finally be a vaccine for the virus that infected the world. Some businesses in the middle of everything opened up which caused the virus to spread and more people became infected until finally ordering one more shutdown and this time not letting up until there was a vaccine.

Then two years after we had gone through what we did and were moving on with our lives, she started up her own shop for selling some ideas I thought she needed to have made and patent. They were clothes and bags that she sewed and had a percentage of her profits go to a charity for survivors of cancer.

She had wanted originally to help the sick and elderly but decided after seeing what she did with Aunt Gale and her lawyer's body that she couldn't take seeing anymore dead bodies so she decided to do the other thing she liked which was designing.

Then during the third year since the deaths, we got married and of course flew in her best friends who are still great nurses and although they didn't move back, they visited a lot.

Now we have a four year old who is the cutest little girl in the world and whom we have named Gail, spelled differently but of course, named after my Aunt Gale.

She has a lot of energy and is funny and an all over happy girl.

She looks so much like Meghan and has my eyes and nose though.

After I had finished getting my degree in college for in business, I decided to start up my own company as well online for building websites for companies and have had several jobs from big corporations.

"Babe, lunch is ready!" I hear Meghan call out from the kitchen.

So I stop to take a break from work and head out to join our daughter and my sexy as hell, wife for lunch.

It was nice having us both home to make money while spending time with our little girl also. It was nice and I felt blessed.

"So what are the plans for today?" I ask before taking a bite from my sandwich.

"Gail was thinking maybe heading towards the park and playing for a little while then maybe seeing the Disney movie they had planned on playing tonight in the park." Meghan says.

"Sounds like fun to me." I smiled then winked at Gail.

"Daddy?" Gail asks.

"Yes Pumpkin?" I reply.

"Is mommy yowr pwincess?" She asks as she can't say her R's really good which is beyond adorable and is one of the things that melts my heart.

I smile at her then look at Meghan.

"She is." I replied making Meghan blush and smile back at me.

"Do you think she's pwetty?" She asks.

"No. She's beautiful." I replied still looking at Meghan and smiling. "Just like you." I smiled and leaned in to tickle her a little causing her to squirm a little as she giggles.

I love my family. I love my life. I live everything my Aunt ever taught me about anything and everything including love, life and how to be a good man.

It's moments like these that I stop whatever I am doing and makes me right away remind me about how lucky I am to have all that I have.

                             THE END!

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