CHAPTER 19: Hudson

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During the next couple of days, both Meghan and I felt a little awkward as we both were a bit worried too that with what all was happening right now with this Virus, we had wondered if rather or not he had the virus and began questioning if we should have still honored my Aunt's WILL in the sense that he has a right to be here. But, I know what kind of guy Duke is and didn't want to risk getting into an argument over it so Meghan and I just kept to ourselves and whenever we were around him just tried to act like everything was fine. 

Tonight after Meghan was nice enough to make all three of us dinner to try and make the best of things, it seemed like her plan had worked to a certain degree in the fact that we were able to have a slightly less of an awkward moment while eating and were able to talk to each other about things-mostly about our memories with my Aunt Gale. 

Then afterwards, both Meghan and I had decided to go upstairs and have some alone time then fell asleep. 

During the middle of the night, I woke up feeling thirsty and went downstairs to get some water from the fridge and as soon as I closed the door then began to head back upstairs, I stopped at the top of the stairs a few feet from the bedroom door when I heard movement coming from inside my aunt's bedroom and a little bit of light seeping through the cracks of the door as it was opened a tiny bit. 

I slowly began walking closer towards her door and tried to take a peak inside and that's when I noticed Duke was moving around some things in the drawers and crouching down to look underneath the bed then got up and scratched the back of his head as though he was frustrated and also bewildered. 

What the hell was he doing in her bedroom and what was he looking for? Should I go in and ask him? 

Something didn't feel right and I started thinking that maybe Meghan was right when she told me something was off about him. To which I had never felt that way around him until he came here to stay. 

I didn't want to wake Meghan up and was real tired myself so I went back into our bedroom, locked the door then laid back down behind Meghan and spooned with her, placing gentle kisses on her shoulder before falling back to sleep. 


When the next day arrived, I noticed right away that Meghan wasn't next to me in bed anymore. Then as I started making my way downstairs, I noticed both her and Duke were laughing and having some coffee and breakfast with one another. 

Did I miss something? Since when does she seem so comfortable with him? Am I dreaming? 

"Heyyy sleepy head." Duke greets me with a smile.

"Hey." I replied.

"Good morning baby." Meghan smiles at me.

"Morning beautiful." I smiled back at her and walked up to give her a kiss before sitting next to her.

"I'll go make you some breakfast." She tells me before getting up and heading into the kitchen.

I then look at Duke who winks at me as he sips his coffee.

"Your little lady there is a great cook." He comments.

"Yes she is." I replied trying hard to hold in my suspicious feelings towards him.

He looks at her and then looks back at me while she's distracted by cooking. He then leans in and lowly starts talking to me.

"Hey, I know you saw me in your Aunt's bedroom last night. And might I suggest you mind your own business." He comes right out and says.

I then lean in closer as well before replying lowly at him.

"I'm not afraid of you. And I don't know why you are even here. But may I suggest as well that it would be in your best interest to pack your things and leave here today. I already left a message with her lawyer to discuss your so called permission to being here." I warn him as I stare him down in return.

"Here you go baby." Meghan says as she sets down the plate of food and cup of coffee then kisses me and sits down beside me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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