CHAPTER 11: Hudson

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Alright! Maybe I took it the wrong way in how she told me they were best friends that she never had. Maybe she didn't mean it the way I took it. Just like how I assumed she was sleeping with that guy. 

What the fuck is wrong with me, seriously?! I keep fucking up and need to stop. Even if we became just friends all over again, I am not off to a good start. 

So I had thought that I would apologize to Meghan tomorrow morning and even make some breakfast-her favorite. 

Before I went to bed though, I kicked Trinity out. She of course wasn't too happy about it but I didn't care. I had a mission now. 


It didn't even occur to me until after I started making the breakfast if rather or not Meghan had still loved this type of breakfast anymore that consisted of a one-eye with a cooked egg that was in the middle of a cut out part of the buttered piece of bread along with some crispy bacon. Yet, it's all I had to go on at the moment. 

Right as soon as I finished plating our food, I noticed her walking downstairs, rubbing her eyes while yawning a little bit and her hair disheveled a little bit also. 

"Good morning." I greet her with a smile as I walk over to the table and set down our plates. 

She looks at me surprised and with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Good morning...." She says. "What's all this?" She asks while looking at the food as I grab us some coffee. 

"I just thought I would make us some breakfast." I shrugged sounding like it was no big deal. 

"You sure this isn't for you and Trinity?" She asks me. 

"I promise." I try to reassure her while walking over with coffee and we then sit down near each other and I hand her her mug of coffee. 

She takes a sip and moans a little. 

"Mmm....Wow, you remembered my favorite breakfast and how I like my coffee." She says sounding again, intrigued, surprised and impressed. 

"Of course." I winked at her and smiled. 

"Well thank you. This smells and looks really good." She comments. 

"I hope it tasted good..." I replied with a chuckle. 

The moment she took her first bite though, I could tell by her little non-subtle moans that it was good. 

"Oh my god I haven't had this good of a breakfast in a while." She mentions. 

"Why thank you." I smiled in reply. 

We sat there eating, drinking coffee and chit-chatting here and there until we finished our breakfast. 

She had then offered to wash the dishes, ignoring the fact we had a dishwasher. 

"Don't. The dishwasher has got this." I laugh a little. 

"Yeah but I don't trust those things." She states. 

"Well, doesn't matter because you aren't doing the dishes and that's final!" I tell her as I playfully stick my tongue out at her. 

"Fine fine." She chuckles a little while holding her hands up in surrender.

After I loaded up the dishwasher and everything, I noticed she was sitting on the couch and started turning the TV on. 

"Whatchya watchin'?" I ask her. 

"Not sure yet. Just trying to see what's on." She shrugs her shoulders a little bit. 

"Well, I was thinking, if you don't have any plans or anything, want to maybe, I don't know, hangout?" I ask nervously while rubbing the back of my neck a little with my hand. 

She looks at me for a moment with a little bewilderment and then smiles and shuts the TV before standing up. 

"Sure." She replies then we both head upstairs and get ready to hang out together. 

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited or wasn't looking forward to this because I really was both excited and looking forward to us hanging out like old times. I truly did miss it when we did and feel in a way that maybe this could be a second chance for me and her to become friends again. 

However, only time will be able to tell us that. For now, I'm just gonna not overthink things or jump to any assumptions nor conclusions without certainty. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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