CHAPTER 13: Hudson

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During the next week, Meghan and I seemed to have been getting closer and going back to getting to know one another more and I have to say that I love it.

So many memories we made with each other and that I haven't forgotten about ever and yet, I start to think to myself about the entire thing about us not being friends anymore and realized I just had to know why she said those things to me.

I felt that in order to move on and TRULY start anew, I just had to know the reason why she did and said all that she did.

So while we were hanging out, playing a board game, I finally mustered up enough courage to ask her.

"Hey, I was thinking. It probably shouldn't matter but I just have been wanting to know all these years, in why we really did what we did to each other. As far as us not being friends anymore?" I mention.

It seems maybe this was a mistake bringing it up because she looked up at me and then looked down at her lap and seemed to be sad.

"I'm sorry for ever doing that to you Hudson. Truly I am. I never wanted to say all those things or anything I just....well, I didn't mean them and it wasn't all my fault because see you were talking to Trinity, my biggest bully in school and seemed to have been paying more attention to her when I really liked you and...." She says but I stop her.

"Wait a minute though, you can't blame me for acting the way I did when you told me all that you told me. So don't make it out to be MY fault as to why we weren't suddenly friends anymore!" I exclaimed.

Now I really regret bringing this up. I have now ruined a perfectly good and fun moment with us.

"It was both of ours. But you have to own up to the fact that what you did to me was worse!" She states.

"Oh and how was what I did worse!" I asked feeling agitated as did she.

"Because, dumbass, I was trying to explain to you in what really happened and why I had to say and do the things I did. But you wouldn't listen and just brushed me off. Pushed me away!" She exclaims and then stands up to start walking out the kitchen towards the bedroom but stops half way and turns back to look at me.

"You know why I said what I said and did what I did to you that day? Because my parents made me do it. They told me if I didn't get rid of you, knowing you were the ONLY person in my life that could rescue me from all that hell, that my father would make you pay with your life. And I have seen my father get mad and felt his anger. So I thought I did you a favor. Then I came later on to talk to your Aunt Gale who then told me to try and explain to you, so I tried and you didn't let me. So don't blame all of this onto me you a self-centered asshole!" She finishes and then begins stomping off upstairs, crying.

I just sat there in the chair still, looking in the direction she just stormed away in and couldn't believe all that she just told me. I never knew her home life was that bad.

Also, she's right in the sense that I also should have known better than to think she ever would have used me or anything like that. She was the best person, besides my Aunt Gale that I ever truly loved.

Trinity at the time too was putting thoughts into my head that made me stop thinking realistically and take every word she was saying, including about Meghan, for the truth.

My God, Meghan is right. It is more my fault than hers. But wait, so if she recently had moved out of her parents house, that night she had come over, then that would mean....Oh my god.

I quickly get up and head up the stairs skipping every other step along the way until I stopped at her door and started to knock.

"Go away!" She says through tears.

"Please, let me in. I want to talk to you." I exclaim.

"No!" She says again.

This time I wasn't giving her the option. Maybe I didn't deserve another chance but I need her to see that I truly care and love her and always have felt that way. Just as it turns out she has with me also, so I just open up her door and walk over towards her by the bed but she stands and looks at me trying to hide herself and her crying.

But when I get up to her, I turn her around and take hold of her face to look at me then start kissing her passionately.

Which at first, she seems to try and push me back but then suddenly stops fighting me and gives in until we need to take a breath.

I press my forehead against hers and continue holding the side of her face.

"I am so sorry for everything. I love you so much and know I should have paid more attention and should have been more aware about your parents and never should have left your side." I begin telling her.

"It's okay." She says through sniffles. "I'm so sorry that I said what I did to you then and I swear I never used you." She begins to explain.

"Don't be sorry. I am the ONLY one here that needs to be sorry here. And I didn't mean to bring all of this up. I won't ever again. Let's just start over, please." I beg while fighting back tears. I feel her nod her head.

"Okay." She replies softly.

We give each other another long and passionate kiss.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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