CHAPTER 17: Hudson

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It was official! I was for sure now the luckiest man in the world. So much time I had wasted living without Meghan - I'll never make that mistake again.

During the next several days, things seemed to be getting crazier in the behavior of people and their resistance to quarantining. This is quite the pandemic right now.

Thankfully, Meghan and I don't have to worry about running low on supplies or anything because we had gotten everything we needed and if there is anything else, luckily we can have it delivered.

Meghan's friends Rick and Nick who both left to be nurses in another state, were nice enough to keep us both up-to-date about things before even any news channel ever got word.

Meghan has been real worried about him and his partner and I offered they could come back and stay here but they respectfully declined and decided to remain there and help out as much as they could. Especially since there has been some nurses that have either gotten the virus or just quit because the lack of safety equipment.

I have tried contacting some people my Aunt knew that although don't specialize in making face masks and other items they need for protection, they've offered to start creating them.

Since her friends are keeping us up-to-date with things, her and I made a deal not to watch the news and get all worked up worrying and driving ourselves more than we need to.

Today, we decided to go swimming and luckily my Aunt had one that was in doors. My Aunt loved the water and always thought it would be great if she had an indoor pool with glass all around so the sunlight could beam in through the windows and yet if it rained, didn't need to worry about it being too cold or anything.

We swam for hours and had a real fun time. Damn, just seeing her showing off her curves in her swimsuit just drove me crazy and made it nearly impossible to resist doing anything about it.

Once we finished, we took a shower and got dressed in our comfortable clothes and while deciding in the kitchen what to have for lunch, the front door opened up and in walked Trinity - of course also without a face mask.

"Hey baby." She coos and stops in her steps as soon as she see's Meghan and causes her to begin glaring at her.

"What the hell are you doing here Trinity?!" I asked in a harsh tone.

"I was coming to stay with you, silly with all that's going on, I thought we could keep each other company." She says.

"I told you to stay away. What part of that didn't you get?!" I asked.

"Don't be an asshole!" She snaps at me.

"And don't be a cunt!" Meghan fires at her and surprises the both of us.

"Nobody was talking to you fat ass!" She exclaims.

"Oh my God, after all these years, that is still the best name you can come up with?!" She says with her arms crossed over her chest while glaring back at Trinity.

"You fucking...." Trinity drops her bags and begins stomping over but I hold out my hand to stop her.

"Leave Trinity! And if you don't, I'll have a restraining order put on you." I warn her.

She looks at me a little while longer in disbelief but she's clearly a delusional psycho.

"You'll regret this." She states then hurries to stomp out the door.

That bitch is so weak that she would never be able to get back at me. She comes from no money and had burned most of her bridges with almost everybody in town. Except for of course, a couple of her minions from high school whom just like her, never grew up.

It's not just pathetic, but really sad to know there are people out there who never grow up. I turn to look at Meghan and smile at her before pulling her closer to me and start making out with her.

"That was hot babe." I tell her.

"Yes well, she needs to know that you are mine and that her bullshit isn't tolerable or allowed anymore." She smirks.

"Mmmm...." I moan a little and place kisses on her neck.

She giggles a little and then stops me and places her finger on my lips.

"I need to eat first. I'm starving." She says.

"Okay." I let out a breath of disappointment in a joking way.

We have some lunch and then after building up enough energy, we go and make love to each other.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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