CHAPTER 10: Meghan

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Okay, so maybe having my good friend Rick over was a little hypocritical on my part but on the other hand, he is leaving town tomorrow and wanted to say 'goodbye' to me. So this wasn't at all the same situation as Hudson bringing over Trinity because Rick and I aren't fucking.

I do however like how jealous Hudson just got. It was a little amusing to me. Hudson hurried upstairs and then took a shower and got ready when he next came downstairs and hurried outside into his car then peeled out of the driveway.

"Wow, somebody's jealous." Rick says.

"Pff. He isn't jealous. Well, at least not much. Hudson would never be jealous over me." I tell him.

"But what about..." He starts to say something I didn't feel like talking about so I  stopped him and changed the subject quickly.

"So when does your flight leave?" I ask him.

"Five in the morning. I need to arrive in Missouri, settle into my apartment and then start my first shift as a nurse at the hospital." He says.

"I am so happy and proud of you becoming a nurse. Your heart is very good and you have taught me so much. You've been a great friend too." I smile at him.

"Thank you gorgeous." He smiles.

"How is your Hubby feeling about this move?" I ask him.

"He's excited. He can't wait to leave this town. And speaking of which, if you ever change your mind, let us know and we will send a ticket for you to come out and stay with us." He says.

"I will keep that in mind." I smiled again at him.

"So hey, why don't we go and grab something to eat for tonight and have my hubby, Nick, come over so we can watch some things and then have a junk food night." He suggests.

"Sounds like a great idea." I reply.

We get up and go to pick Nick up then we head to one of their favorite stores to grab some things for their flight tomorrow. Then we head to the grocery store and then head back home.

When we came back, I saw Hudson's car in the driveway and told myself that I would ignore him and that Trinity bitch and just focus on the time I have left with my good friends.

Nick, Rick and I all had met a few months after Hudson had left for college and have been great friends since then. I was there when Nick and Rick both had gotten married while Rick finished up Nursing school and Nick already had been a doctor for a few years.

Recently, Rick got a job at a hospital in Missouri and since they both wanted out of this town since they arrived, they got their chance a few weeks ago. Rick was offered a job and then Nick was able to make an easy transfer towards there.

I am going to miss them and in a way feel like I am losing a couple of more people that I care about and love. However, at least I know where they will be and that I can always see them whenever I want to.

After we walked inside and got everything all together, we sat down on the couch in the living room and began watching, drinking some wine and eating a lot for a few hours.

We hadn't paid much attention to the time obviously as I noticed it was already dark after I went to the restroom.

We sat there and we're starting to watch a horror movie of their choice and I was grabbing some ice cream first when I heard Hudson's door open up upstairs and tried to ignore it as I finished putting the ice cream carton in the freezer.

When I shut the freezer door, I was startled a little when I saw Hudson standing there looking at me.

"You having a little party?" He asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"No. They are my friends. They're leaving tomorrow and I won't see them for a while so I'm just spending time with them before they leave in the morning." I tell him. Not that it was any of his business anyways.

I then grab the bowl of ice cream and head over towards the couch and sit down while they both are still sitting with their arms over each other and cuddling, looking cute as ever.

They begin to play the movie while I began eating after putting my throw blanket on me.

"What are you guys watching?" We heard Hudson say.

I looked at him hoping he would just head back up to his room and leave us alone but no such luck.

"Oh hey. We're watching The Conjuring. She has never seen it." Rick says.

"Cool." Hudson says. "Hey, sorry about earlier bro. Name is Hudson." He shakes Rick's and Nick's hands as they introduce themselves to each other.

What is happening right now? Is he drunk? Delusional even? What is Hudson playing at?

They seem to put it all in the past and we all continued watching the movie.

Throughout the movie, I would notice out the corner of my eye that Hudson was looking at me.

After the movie was over, Nick and Rick both had to go home and get some rest so we said goodnight to each other and I cleaned up our glasses of wine and washed them after the guys were nice enough to help put up everything else and throw away trash.

"So Rick and Nick are married huh?!" Hudson comments casually.

"Yes." I replied to him.

"They seem cool." He says.

"They are. They are the best friends I ever had." I comment.

I could tell that just changed the mood as I heard the water bottle he had in his hand slam into the counter.

"My God, you are something else, you know that?" He asks.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"I was being nice and you just turned your bitch mode on for no reason. It's pathetic." He says then begins to start walking off.

"Yeah, right, I'm the one that's pathetic. I'm not the one running a whore house here." I snap at him and then start walking up the stairs to my room before he says anything else.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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