CHAPTER 15: Hudson

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Although I was able to calm Meghan down a little bit, I also was doing the same with myself, seeing as to how I was worried with what all was going on too. However, I didn't want her to know that. 

The scariest part to me at least after hearing all this and watching people in town at the stores and such, start to go crazy and all go into a panic mode, something that freaked me out the most was the fact this was not like the flu in terms of after some soup, rest and plenty of fluids, after a few days, you're all better. This was something that there was no vaccine for at the moment and the numbers of deaths already reported along with people testing positive all over the world and that there aren't even enough tests yet because this is something entirely new. 

Nobody is sure either in how or where it originated from yet but the Mayor seems to want to still proceed with precaution just in case. 

Maybe I have seen too many movies and everything but I wanted to also be prepared for a worst-case-scenario and decided to put in the panic room also some documents such as information about the house, property, etc. Including Aunt Gale's WILL and when Meghan was downstairs making us some dinner, I went towards the safe inside the panic room before closing the room up and made sure all of Aunt Gale's belongings were in there as far as the several millions of cash she left inside a fireproof zippered pouch type bag. Along with some jewelry (family heirlooms) as well as the information she had her lawyer put all on a flash drive about her accounts to make sure all her money was secure no matter what disaster happened. 

I placed everything actually in a backpack I had left here from high school, just in case we needed to leave and couldn't stay here long. So I figured, why not empty out the safe. 

My Aunt always taught me to be prepared for the worst, if ever possible. 

After I was done with all of that, I next headed downstairs and saw that Meghan had already finished up with dinner and had it set up to where there were two tall candles lit up along with plates of food and glasses of wine at the ends of the table along with the wine bottle in between the candles. 

"Wow." I say. 

"I thought maybe we could get our minds off of what's going on right now and figured since we can't go out, I'd make us a real nice dinner." She says. 

"Thank you." I smiled at her then walked up and gave her a kiss on the lips. 

"You're welcome." She smiles in reply before we both take our seats across the table from each other. 

When I took my first bite of food after commenting about how great it smelled and looked, I couldn't help myself from moaning at how delicious it tasted. 

It has been a long time since I had a good home-cooked meal. 

"Mmm....My God, this is so damn good." I comment before taking another bite. "You're a really great cook you know that?" 

"Really? Thanks." She smiles. 

It was more than just nice to be able to have a very nice home cooked meal, talking and just being with her in general. But the nicest thing too was that neither one of us seemed to be thinking about the virus and us having a stay-at-home order.

Once we were done with dinner and she finally seemed to trust the dishwasher enough, so it was sooner we were able to sit on the couch and cuddle up while watching a movie. 

Not too long into the movie, did things start to change and shall we say 'heat up' a little bit. Then again, that could have just been me who was getting hot and bothered. 

I kept trying to focus more on the movie and not try and make a move to let her know how much I wanted her because I didn't know if it was too soon and or if rather or not she would think of me as being a pervert, too pushy and what not. So I resisted a few times. 

That was until I finally mustered up the courage deep inside and let out a breath before slowly starting to move my hand that's on the other side of her shoulder since my arm is around her and start gently caressing the side of her arm up and down. 

It wasn't the original idea I had in my mind in as far as making moves, I originally thought of something more sexually advanced but again, didn't want to ruin this moment and make her feel uncomfortable. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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