CHAPTER 8: Meghan

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Wow! Didn't expect to see that bitch Trinity yesterday, but at the same time, I guess that some things never change and looks like he will be going back to his old ways.

The last thing I needed to deal with on top of everything else was this bullshit.

*****The Next Morning*****

When I woke up, I felt like a different person. Definitely more confident since my parents had pulled the last straw yesterday and then to come here and see the biggest bitch from high school who always cheated on Hudson non-stop while bullying me in her spare time, that was it.

Before I went to sleep last night, I made a promise to myself that I would no longer let others treat me the way they did.

So I made my way downstairs after getting dressed and I was happy to have my own bathroom because I refused to share one with him and that slut, didn't want to catch anything.

When I headed out towards the kitchen to pour me some cereal, I saw Hudson was already sitting down at the dining room table, drinking coffee and looking at the table.

"Morning." I greet him to be nice.

"Good morning." He says.

I grab something to eat from the cupboard and notice there actually wasn't much food in here then I suddenly remembered that I forgot to go grocery shopping.

So I ended up grabbing a granola bar and then went to the table and sat down across from him, avoiding eye contact.

We shared a moment of silence between us until he said something first.

" wanted to talk." He starts.

"Yes." I tell him after swallowing my second bite of the granola bar then setting it down and taking a drink from my coffee before continuing.

"Well, first, let me apologize for...." He starts but I stop him.

"I frankly don't care about yesterday or any of that. I DO however want you to understand that despite our differences and how we feel towards one another, this whole sharing assets and properties, this is about your Aunt and what she wanted. I want to keep my share. I feel I have earned it and to me she has been more than just someone I took care of or one of my ex-friend's aunt. She was a great to friend to me and practically, like a mother." I tell him with my head held high.

I can tell by him looking off to the side and now not looking at me for a moment, I could tell he was feeling a little bad. Yet, also had seemed like he was different as well and then I notice him go back to being agitated?

"I understand you are upset with me and all, but you can't blame me for the way I reacted. As much as I wasn't meaning what I said to come off as rude that day, you can't blame me for being upset. I mean, after hearing my aunt die and then hearing that she left half her assets to someone that took care of her and sure, who I used to be good friends with, instead of giving me, her nephew everything, it's a little shitty." He says.

Is he for real right now?! No, he couldn't be this much of an asshole, could he really?

Then again this is the same asshole that forgot all about me in school to become popular and to date the sluttiest girl in the entire school.

"What have you become? This isn't you." I finally confess.

"You don't know shit about me. You never did." He snaps at me.

"That's not true and you know it." I replied feeling frustrated but hurt as the person sitting across from the table with me is not the same person I knew.

"Whatever. Either way, we're stuck until either one of us takes the other to court or gives up and hands over everything to the other person." He says as he drinks the last of his coffee.

"I don't know what I ever did to you but whatever has happened to make you become this heartless bastard, It's not the real you and your Aunt would be ashamed." I tell him out of anger.

I could see the anger boiling up inside of him as he clenched his fists and jaw while looking at me after I said that. So I got up before either one of us said anything we would regret.

I don't like what he has become. It's not the real him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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