CHAPTER 18: Meghan

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During the next week, things began to get a little worse in the world as everyday the numbers were spiking and not many were following orders in keeping their distance of six feet from other's while many people were trying to hoard all this toilet paper and food supplies among other things as well.

This virus seemed to have put everybody in a frenzy and it reminded me of a few movies I had seen years ago that was about having to be quarantined and everything.

However, this wasn't a movie and wasn't exactly sure in how this all was going to end. Although of course, I am more than happy and content knowing I am here with Hudson.

When Trinity had come by that day I swear I was wanting so badly to hurt her but finally she had left and I had made sure to tell Hudson that things were REALLY over between them both. To which he replied it had been for a while.

If there is any silver lining with this virus and quarantining thing going on so far right now, I guess that for me it would be that it brought me and Hudson back to being close again and now apparently even more than friends.

There's nobody I would rather be quarantined with other than with him.

Things seemed to be going good until we heard a knock on the door and after Hudson opened it up, we were both surprised to see it was Aunt Gale's friend, Duke.

"Duke?!" Hudson greeted him. "what are you doing here?"

"I have come to stay here. I recently had my flight cancelled because of this whole Virus thing and have no place else to go." He states.

I can't quite put my finger on it but Duke has always given me the creeps.

"But you can't stay here. It's just Meghan and I and I'm sorry but we can't have you here around us in case...." Hudson began explaining and stopped.

"Well I'm sorry but I have a right to be here." He exclaims as he starts to pull out some paper and as soon as Hudson looks over it and looks back at him again, he then looks at me.

"It seems my Aunt gave some permission to stay at this house whenever he wanted to." He tells me.

I look at Hudson bewildered and felt confused as hell because why would she have done that and not mentioned it to either one of us or even the lawyer mention it to us?!

Something doesn't sound right. So I asked to see the paper and when looking it over as well, I could no longer question nor argue about it because it is a copy of her WILL and it happens to mention that he may stay at this house whenever and for however long asked.

This wasn't a good time though. I mean, sure I feel bad about his flight being cancelled and not being able to head back home because of all that is going on but come the hell on! Right now?!

I hand him back his paper and shrug a little bit.

"I guess it does say it." I replied while hiding the disappointment.

"Don't worry guys, I won't be in your guys' way and besides, I will take care of my own food and supplies." He assures us. "In fact, I have a delivery coming tomorrow for dropping off some supplies and some food." He states.

"Okay." Hudson says as he puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to his side.

"You guys sure are cute together." He smiles at both of us then starts walking upstairs towards one of the guest bedrooms a few rooms down the hall from ours and Aunt Gales'.

Neither Hudson or I knew exactly in what to make of all this happening right now but I guess there isn't much to really say about it or do because him and I both read the papers.

All I can say right now really is that this should be very interesting.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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