CHAPTER 5: Hudson

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I can't believe I almost kissed her last night. Damn, why did I stop? I guess I just was worried that maybe she might have regretted it or something.

I mean, after all, I did leave her behind in school and treated her not as good as I should have. I have regretted that for a while.

Anyways, I can't think about any of that right now though because right now I am waiting for the lawyer to come over to the house and read the WILL.

While pouring myself some coffee, I hear the front door open and as I come walking out of the kitchen I am surprised to see Meghan here this early.

"Hey." I greet her.

"Hi." She smiles a little.

"Uh, right now is not a good time to be here. I have my Aunt's lawyer coming over any minute. Can we get together later?" I ask.

She looks at me a little bit bewildered as if she's confused herself now.

"Didn't the lawyer tell you?" She asks.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Before she was about to say anything, there was a knock at the door. I go to answer it and see that it's the lawyer.

"Good morning Mr. Cromwell." He greets me with a smile.

My aunt's lawyer had silver short slicked back hair and wore thin framed rounded glasses,  was stalky and always was clean cut and wore the finest suits. And he also happened to have been a really good friend of hers for many years. In fact, they used to date a while back for a short time as I recall from one of the many stories my aunt always told me.

"Good morning Mr. Rossdale." I replied and stepped back for him to walk inside.

After he stepped inside, he looked over at Meghan.

"Ah, I'm glad you came." He smiles at her. "Now, where shall we do this at?" He asks.

"Wait, did you ask for her to come here?" I ask him.

"Of course. Your Aunt wished for her to be here when I read her WILL." He tells me.

I was confused. Why was she asked to be here? I'm supposed to get everything. I guess maybe she is going to give her her jewelry or something. So that's fine.

"Let's have a seat at the table." I motioned with my hand and we all began walking over and sat down.

"Alright, now. Your aunt has changed a few things in her WILL as of a few weeks ago and do keep in mind that these aren't negotiable. Whatever she says in here, by law, must be obeyed and honored." He tells us both.

Meghan and I take a quick look at each other and nod our heads in agreement before turning our attention back to him.

"We understand." I reply.

"Good." He smiles and then begins reading out the things in what goes where and to whom.

In which it looks like I was right in what I thought about what my aunt had planned to give Meghan. It was her jewelry, among many other things. Then it came down to the property and all of her money.

"Now, as for the cars, property, house and the money..." He begins.

Here it comes.....

"Yes?" I ask trying to hide my excitement. "She is leaving half to you and half to Meghan." He states.

The room fell silent enough you could hear a pin drop. There is no way that I just heard him correctly. Did he just say that she left half of her assets to me and the other half to Meghan? Is this some kind of a cruel joke?!

Wait, maybe I didn't hear him correctly. Yeah, that has to be it.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked after noticing him not laughing or telling me it was a joke.

"Your aunt left half to you and the other half to her." He says.

I don't know what to say right now. Wait a minute, is that why she was being so nice to me and...Right away my thoughts get interrupted by her voice.

"Hudson?" I hear her say my name.

I look over at her and can't help but feel betrayed, sick, anger, sadness. She HAD to have known.

Wait, of course she knew. She has always been jealous of me having money and that had to have been the reason she even cared for my Aunt Gale in the first place. She wanted to even get back at me for hurting her years ago.

I was getting ready to say something but then was beatened to it by the lawyer.

"Well, that's it. Here is a copy for you both of the WILL and this folder has other information about the money and all that. So, if you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me but otherwise, congratulations you two." He smiles at her and I.

Both her and I are speechless as he starts packing up his things and then lets himself out. As soon as I heard that door shut behind him, I shook my head to come back to the present. 

"Hudson?" Meghan says again. "I swear I had no idea that she was going to do that." She immediately begins.

"Whatever." I mumble to myself.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"I said whatever. How could you do this to me?!" I snapped at her.

"I-I didn't. I swear that I had no idea she was going to leave me anything." She starts to explain.

"Fuck this!" I snapped again and stood up then told her to leave.

"But I..." She starts again and then I stop her this time from continuing to say anything more then repeat for her to leave and I know she feels hurt, from the look on her face, but I don't care. I'm furious and technically, this is more my house than hers no matter what my aunt said in her WILL.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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