CHAPTER 9: Hudson

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She did have a point to some extent as far as me changing but I'm not being an asshole. She is the one being a bitch.

She should have said no to my aunt when offered half the assets and now with this new found confidence or whatever it is, yeah, she is making this harder on herself more than it needs to be.

Plus, if I am such an asshole then how come I'm not going to take her to court in order to get all the assets from my aunt?! Oh that's right, maybe because I know she's poor and can't afford a good enough attorney like me that I don't want to humiliate her neither and so that's why I am not going to. Yet, I'm an ASSHOLE!

If anything, she should be the one who should tell me that she was sorry because she is the only one to blame as far as I am concerned in the reason we stopped being friends.

Maybe she doesn't remember her part in all of it but I remember it perfect.

She was sick for a few days and I was really worried about her. So I went to bring her her homework along with some flowers and some soup my aunt had made for her and when I got to her house and saw her, she told me that she didn't want to be friends any more. That she couldn't be friends with me because she hated my guts.

She would ramble on about how she used me so that she could get some money to buy things and could never be friends with the likes of me.

It hurt, yes but, I knew I had to move on. I was in complete and utter shock and then by the time she had come back to school, she had what seemed to me to be her wanting to supposedly act like nothing happened or wanted to probably apologize but, nobody says that and then act the way she did.

Besides, by then, I was already dating Trinity and hanging out with the popular crowd. I didn't need anyone like Meghan in my life anymore since I meant nothing to her.

Until the day she apologizes, I can't look at her any different than I did after she ripped my world apart and shattered my heart into a million pieces that day.

Now I was frustrated beyond belief and needed to release some frustration, so I got ready before heading out back and running down the path in the woods in our backyard where I used to run as a kid a lot.

It's a way to get me to think and blow off steam a whole lot. I mean, sure, there's always the option of me fucking Trinity until I am not pissed off anymore but right now, I felt frustrated to the point where I could have punched my fists through the wall.

I ran several miles and when I returned home, as soon as I came inside, I heard Meghan begin to laugh as I walked in towards the living room where I stopped and noticed some guy sitting on the couch next to her and they were both laughing.

Then once they saw me, he saw me and nodded.

"What's up?" He greets me.

"I thought no guests allowed?" I asked Meghan while ignoring this douchebag.

"No. Just Trinity. She isn't necessarily a guest now is she?" She asks me.

I can see she wants to play THAT kind of a game.

"Well, since I own half of all this, I am saying no guests. Unless Trinity can come by." I tell her with a smirk.

She glares at me then sets down her drink onto the coffee table.

"Well, my friend here, Rick, is staying and coming over whenever the hell he wants. And you need to stop being a rude and inconsiderate asshole." She says as she stands facing me with her arms both crossed over her chest.

She doesn't want to play this game with me. She WON'T win. However, since she wants to be all brave and act all tough in front of this douche then so be it. Let the games begin!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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