CHAPTER 22: Meghan

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I've said it before and I'll say it again in how everything right now looks like a scene from a movie or book. 

This virus really has people up in a frenzy and have never seen this town before look as bare as it does right now. 

Aside from all of that, on top of everything else, we are having to worry about this Duke guy. We pull up in front of the office and can tell that all other businesses around his place is opened for business at the moment because just like him, aren't considered 'essential'. 

We knocked on the door to his office and waited a moment before knocking again on the door and still he didn't answer. 

So next I started trying to look inside through the window and I couldn't see much but what I did see startled me.....

"Oh my God! Hudson we need to get inside." I tell him while starting to panic and thankfully he didn't even question me as soon as he saw the look on my face and next thing I know, he breaks open the door and when we quickly go inside, we both stop abruptly as soon as we notice the lawyer's body laying cold on the floor, with his blood staining the carpet from the multiple gunshot wounds he endured in his chest. 

He was murdered in cold blood and from the looks of it, there seemed to have been a struggle. Just thinking about what must have happened made me feel a bit sick to my stomach as this would make two bodies now that I have been around that were dead. Except this was a result of a murder. 

When Hudson finally comes to his senses he turns me to look at him and holds my face as he looks into my eyes. 

"Listen to me. We need to go to the car and call the police." He begins telling me. 

Right as soon as I nod my head in agreement and we begin to walk out of there, we heard the clicking sound of a gun being cocked right before the trigger is pulled. It came from behind us, soon followed by an all-to-familiar deep husky older man's voice......Duke. 

"You two aren't going anywhere." He says grimly.  "Now both of you need to turn around very slowly and take a seat over there on that little sofa." He says as we turn and see him point with his gun at the sofa behind us by the window in what would be called the 'waiting room area'. 

Hudson and I both start to slowly walk over towards there and sit down with his arm around me. 

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Hudson snaps at him. 

"Nah. That title is actually more reserved for you." He remarks snarky. 

"So what are you going to do now? Kill both of us?" Hudson asks him. 

"Sounds like a good plan." He grins in an evil way. 

"Whatever you want, I'll give it to you." Hudson says. 

"Oh I know you will. All I want is the VERY thing your Aunt owed me." He begins. 

"And what's that?" Hudson asks him. 

"Many years ago, we went on a trip. I was hoping while on that trip she'd confess her feelings for me just as I did for her. Yes she didn't. I had given her a sapphire necklace with diamonds all over the chain. For years she had sworn to me she got rid of it. Then not too long ago, I found out not only did she keep it, but had decided to be buried with it." He laughs menacingly to himself before he continues. 

"After her little LAWYER/friend here told me about it and explained to him it was mine, he soon became an idiot and tried to call the police. Then had the audacity to threaten me with his friend knowing information about me that he'd send to the police, well, I couldn't allow that." He says. 

"You sick fuck!" Hudson says under his breath at him. "If you're thinking what I think you are, you can forget it." He tells Duke. 

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Easy there kid. Don't want to join your parents and Aunt so soon, now would you?" He states. 

"We're not digging up her body so that you could have a damn necklace!" I found myself telling him out loud, originally meaning to say it in my head. 

He next gives us another evil grin and I knew then and there I made things much worse along with him now pointing the gun at me and tells me to get up. 

I don't say anything and remove my hand from Hudson's then as soon as I start to stand up, I feel an immediate grip onto my hand to sit me back down. 

"No!" Hudson says while standing. "She's not going anywhere with you." He tells him. 

"It's not a good time in trying to be a hero kid." Duke warns Hudson. 

"Hudson..." I started to say but he looked back at me and gave me a look that nearly broke my heart. 

"I promised you I wouldn't let anything happen to you and I intend on keeping it." He tells me as he bends down and kisses me on the lips a long and passionate kiss.

NO! I wasn't about to lose him now neither. So I was getting ready to stand up and insist upon me going instead when all of a sudden the office door was broken down and in walked a bunch of men with drawn guns who Hudson and I soon noticed had 'FBI' on their shirts, yelling at all of us to 'FREEZE!'

Hudson and I held both our hands up while several men took down Duke and threw him down onto the ground and placed handcuffs on him while an agent came walking up towards us and introduced himself as the one in charge. 

"Your friend over there had sent information to his friend whom then sent it to us and came as soon as we could. We had been trying to catch this guy for a very long time now. Are you both alright?" He asks us. 

"Yes." Both Hudson and I replied while Hudson placed his arms around me and I did around him too. 

"We may need to get statements from you both later on but for now, you're free to go if you'd like." He tells us. 

Hudson and I both nod our heads in agreement then start walking out towards the car and once we get inside, we take in a deep breath and watch them put Duke into the back of a car along with a body bag that held the lawyer. 

"That was so scary." I say out loud while trying to fight back the tears I start to feel try and escape from my eyes and down my face as all these emotions begin catching up with me. 

"It's okay. We're okay now." Hudson begins to comfort me even more with his arms again wrapped around me and we sit there for moments longer before leaving, holding one another. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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