CHAPTER 6: Meghan

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I couldn't believe that he thought I would have known about the WILL and not have told him or nothing. I genuinely am just as surprised and shocked to hear that she did that as he is.

Yet he is reacting like a complete asshole and honestly it hurts. So I hurried and left because I didn't want him to see me cry.

How bad is this?!? I can't even let good news such as his aunt being nice enough to let me have what she has left me on account of the fact that he doesn't think I have the right or anything to be given anything by her.

I mean, I never expected her to leave me anything after she especially had already went above and beyond by paying me for taking care of her more than anyone else would have on the fact that she wanted to help me out and my father's surgery he had needed at the time. Besides, I have just as much right to be left anything since I was the one who stuck around and took care of her.

I don't know, maybe I need to give Hudson some time to think about everything and maybe eventually we can talk about this. I mean, he DID just find out that his aunt had died.

For now, I just need to go home and think about a few things too.

When I arrived home and walked inside, I right away was greeted, like usual from my mom, being asked what I had gotten from the aunt's WILL.

In a way, I was taken back a little from the lack of empathy from her but at the same time, this was my mother. The one who at least birthed me and who society believes I should call my 'mom' but this woman has never been appreciative I was hers due mostly to being embarrassed and had favored my little brother always.

I really wish I had been the one who died that day and not my little brother. Life was never the same after that accident and they have made sure I never forgot what I did. Hence is why I pay for things for them because I do owe it to them.

"She left me some money." I began to mention and before I could say anything else, she had stopped me.

"Good! Now how much did she leave you sweetie?" She asks me.

Now again, I am not surprised at the fact there's so much lack of empathy from her but at the same time, I just can't help but hold onto the little hope I still have for my parents and my relationship to becoming better that I do get taken back a little at times when I hear the lack of empathy.

"Mom. She was a good friend of mine and I would appreciate it if you would show a little more respect." I courageously had asked her.

She was now the one surprised that I had talked back to her. But I was irritated and upset as well as hurt from Hudson and the last thing I needed was her bullshit right now. She next begins to glare at me.

"Now you listen to me you ungrateful little bitch! You don't talk back to me do you understand?! Your father is in n desperate need for that last surgery he needs to be able to finally walk again and all you could do is give me lip when I ask you a simple question?!" She snaps at me.

That was it. I had finally hit my breaking point.

"You know what? I know that dad needs this last surgery to feel better and I have been busting my ass off for the past several years so that you and dad would be okay. But let me ask you something mother, since you care soooo much about dad getting this important surgery, while I am BUSTING my ass off trying to make sure you both are taken care of, you are out there buying a new car or a new purse or new expensive wardrobe?!" I fired back at her and again she looked taken back but deep down I couldn't help myself from feeling as though I just broke free from this prison I had been forced to call mine for all my life.

She next takes me by surprise and slaps me hard across the face and immediately I react by holding the side she hit me on and look at her in disbelief. How could she do that?

It was in that moment that I went quickly right into my room, packed up as much as I could and then began to make my way outside and into my car then took off to the nearest hotel and decided I would stay here a few nights to try and figure certain things out and again, to give Hudson some time to think. I mean, that should be more than enough time for him to have cooled off, right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! 😊

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