CHAPTER 7: Hudson

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It's been a few days now since I lost my temper and had blown up at Meghan for no reason at all, I know.

I have been trying to think though during these past few days and how I am not so much upset with Meghan as much as I'm upset and hurt by my aunt in doing what she did.

Plus, not to mention the fact that by splitting certain assets and properties amongst other things will not be easy or even realistic. But it's my aunt's wishes and legally I can't go against it.

Today while taking a look through some photos of me as a kid with my aunt and my parents, I couldn't help but smile and yet cry from how much I have missed her.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard the front door starting to unlock and then open up and assuming it was Meghan, I was immediately confused and surprised that it was my Aunt's friend Duke who has been in and out of her life for a long time.

"Duke?" I greeted him.

"Heyy kiddo! Sorry, didn't know you were here still." He says.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be staying here for a while and sort things out." I tell him. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. 

"Your Aunt told me I could come and pick up some things I had left here." He mentions.

"Oh." I reply. "alright, go ahead." I tell him.

"Hey, is that Meghan girl here?" He asks me.

"No. Why?" I ask.

"Just wondering. She's a very nice girl. Your Aunt loved her as if she were her own." He says.

"Yeah, I know." I replied.

We stand there for a moment longer until he starts to head back towards the office and then I begin thinking about Meghan. I guess I really had messed up a lot with her.

I started going through some things in the living room not realizing that a few hours had already gone by and then heard Duke call out to me that he was leaving and that he'll probably stop by in the next couple of weeks. Then he left.

I feel pathetic because as I sit here in this empty house by myself I just can't stop looking up the stairs at her room and remembering how when I was little, she used to slide down the staircase railing with me. We had so much fun together.

I can't be in here right now, so I grab my keys and start heading towards the local bar in town.

After arriving, as soon as I stepped foot inside the bar, I right away recognized some of the faces of people I had gone to high school with and haven't seen in the past few years since I left or kept in contact with at all, including my ex, Trinity.

I immediately stopped making any kind of eye contact and sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

Throughout the next couple of hours, I started getting approached by people and then ended up being asked to join them at a table and it was like I had never left almost as we seemed to get along, laugh about some different things and even talked about back in the day.

Trinity and I seemed to have picked up where we left off at it seems and end up heading back to the house where we hook up and continue hooking it up with each other for the next week.

Then tonight, I came across a few photos that Aunt Gale kept of me and Meghan growing up before we stopped being friends and suddenly the old feelings began to return all at once and the guilt.

Next I start to hear two female screams coming from the living room and head out of the office and into there. It's Trinity yelling at Meghan.

"What the hell are you doing here?! This is Hudson's Aunt's home." She says to Meghan.

"It also happens to be my home as well so if anybody here doesn't belong, it's you." I hear Meghan exclaim and I have to say that I am impressed to see she has stood up for herself for the first time in her life, I'm sure.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

They both look at me and Trinity immediately walks up next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Baby, Meghan here claims she has part ownership to this house." She starts chuckling a little bit.

"Well...." I start.

"Look, I don't give a shit if you are running some kind of a whore house here but as of right now, it stops because I am moving in. Not to mention you and I have to talk!" Meghan exclaims.

"Fine but not tonight." I tell her.

"Alright then, tomorrow we will. However, I am staying here starting tonight and both of you will just have to deal with it." She states and then takes her bags and begins heading towards the guest bedroom.

When I watched her go back towards the room, I can't help but feel bad and guilty a little bit almost as if I was caught cheating?

So next I just tell Trinity to leave for the night and at first she was upset but then left.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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