Chapter 6

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Early in the morning, Sarah wakes up first, having no hangover, whatsoever. She collects her clothes and silently leaves the room.

Jin opens his eyes a few hours later and looks at Jhope, who is sleeping soundly. He stretches but can feel that he isn't wearing clothes. He looks under the blankets and sees that Jhope isn't wearing any either. He can smell that there is cum in the bed and his dick feels icky. No way... Did me and Jhope....? He pushes Jhope roughly to wake him up. Jhope opens his eyes and looks lazy at Jin. "Whaddup?" "Whaddup? I'll tell you whaddup. Did we... last night... eh..." Jin seems a bit lost at words. Jhope rubs his eyes. "Spill it Jin. It's too early to play around." Jin uncovers the blankets to reveal everything. Jhope's eyes grow wide. "You don't think that we..." "I sure hope not..." Both guys try to remember what happened for the bed and their bodies being the mess they are now. Jin decides to take a shower first. Jhope is thinking. My ass feels just fine... his probably too. So that means that we did a hand or blowjob on each other? Or... Small images flash through his memory. Big breasts, chestnut brown, big curl hair... 2 heavenly firm white cheeks, pale skin. S-Sarah? He has a hangover and his head hurts from thinking on a wooden head. "Jin?" He enters the bathroom. "Hmmm?" "Does your ass hurt?" "No." "Do you think that Sarah was in our room yesterday evening?" Jin stops washing his hair. Did she come to my room last night? He tries to remember, but his head feels like it has been hit multiple times by a hammer and he moans. "I don't know. I can't remember anything. Why? You don't think that..." "I don't know, Jin, I don't know." Jhope gathers his clothes and puts them on to go to his own room. What was I doing in Jin's room anyway? He enters his own room and takes a shower too.

Sarah's keys are heard in the lock and she finds her squad passed out in the living room. Emma and Mary are sleeping soundly. She sneaks to her room to get a fresh pair of clothes and to take a shower after that. She has her hand on the doorknob when suddenly Doenja calls out to her. "And where have you been all night?" She smirks while sitting on the stairs. "SSStttt not so loud..." Sarah runs to her, pulls her with her into her room and closes the door. "You look like a mess. A hot mess. A mess that just got laid... No fucking way... DID YOU? Which one?" Sarah is blushing and shusshes her. "Not one...two..." Doenja cheers loudly, too loud if you ask Sarah. She quickly pushes her hands over Doenja's mouth, but Doenja is not having any of that. She easily frees herself from Sarah. "OMG who???" "Jin and Jhope." She is having a blast. She claps her hands and hits Sarah on her shoulders. "Guess your dream of having a menage à trois came through! And not just any trois, but with Jin and Jhope!!! Your biases!!! You are one hell of a fucking lucky bitch, you know that?" Sarah's face tells another story. "Okay, why aren't you over the moon?" "I am happy, but I need a shower now. And I'm a bit tired and worn out. Sorry." "Worn out? I can believe that... 2 guys at once..." Doenja whistles between her teeth. Something is off about Sarah... Sarah leaves the room and goes into the shower. As she is washing away everything, she is crying.

At breakfast, the others are all awake now too, and the talk of the day is how much fun they had yesterday in the pub and how Sarah stayed out all night. "We kept up in the living room, waiting for you. Doenja just had a fuck-it-whatever attitude and is the only one that went to bed. But we must have fallen asleep waiting for someone who wasn't planning on coming home at all." Mary says with a grin. Doenja is having a glass of Lapraigh while sitting on the kitchen counter. "We will have to say bye to this house too. Today RM would have your contracts ready too. We will have to move to Korea. Are you guys ready for that?" Sarah tries to change the subject. "Yes, we are ready to do so. We like to go together with you on this adventure." Emma speaks for all of them. "We will become true jetsetters." Mary smiles wide at this. I love travelling. Doenja jumps off the counter and raises her glass. "I'm always in for some change in my life. To spice things up. Like Sarah having to try out a threesome..." Doenja smirks evilish. The other two are cross examining Sarah again. She eventually tells them the big outlines of the night. Both of them are clapping and cheering loudly. Doenja just smiles at her way of making things harder for Sarah. "I should get a morning after pill..." "Like hell yeah you should. Bitch, you didn't even use a condom?! I should just outta smack ya to your senses." Doenja is all wound up and slightly pissed to hide her concern. "Guys, can I ask you for a favor?" Sarah's voice sounds begging. They nod. "Can you please not mention this to them. Or anyone? We aren't...Exactly... a thing... or something... Also, I don't think they will remember. I hope they won't... I don't want to make things awkward. I left before they woke up." Doenja notices a change in Sarah's face again. Just for a split second there was sadness on Sarah's face. They all find it hard to believe, but understand the situation Sarah is in. She has 2 biases, and telling them she slept with both of them will probably result in a bad name. Emma nods at this thought. She just quit her job, and if they find out they will think it is unprofessional of her and might even fire her before she could start. And then she is without anything. And we can't go with her to become staff. Mary's eyes are looking understanding at this thought. "We won't tell a soul." They all put their hands forward. Emma nudges her head to Doenja, as in a matter to tell her to pitch her hand in. Mary looks with penetrating eyes at Sarah. Sarah lays her hand on top of theirs and Doenja hesitantly places slightly 2 finger on top. They cheer and lift up their hands. "We are doing this all, together." Mary ends the gathering. Sarah decides to send Mary off to Ostend with the men. "You should guide them well, and show them around the city, give them good food. I will stay home to organize our leaving. I will already pack things too. Have fun."

Sarah leaves the common room and walks to her room, but Doenja grabs her wrist and pulls Sarah into her room. She throws Sarah on her bed and closes the door shut. Sarah is confused. "W-what is it?" Doenja walks towards Sarah and grabs a chair. She has the chair between her legs and turns her cap backwards so she has full view of Sarah. "Now tell me what this is about." "What is?" She circles her finger around Sarah's face. "This whole ordeal. You are depressed about something, while I know you to be always delighted when something miraculous happens to you." Sarah looks down at her hands and smiles sadly. "Nothing escapes past you, doesn't it?" Doenja pops a gum in and starts to chew. "Exactly, so spill it, eonni." "It's just... It was just sex, Doenja. Nothing more than that. I missed intimacy, love, reason for doing it. I mean it was amazing, mind blowing even. But I feel so cheap now. And guilty to both of them for cheating on them with each other. I don't know how to feel about both of them, to be honest. I don't know anymore." She starts to sob. Doenja, not that good with having a sobbing mess on her hands, gets up from her chair and pours 2 glasses of Jack Straight. She holds one in front of Sarah. "Drink. You can use this." Sarah grabs the glass and puts it at her lips. Doenja watches her sip a big sip. "That's right." She drinks too. Then she sits next to Sarah on her bed. "Listen, I can't tell you what is right in this situation. But I do know that it's your feelings that are in tied up. Not theirs, not that we know off, not that they might even remember. For now, I would just pretend it didn't happen. Also, you always look at bright side of things. Maybe just focus on the good stuff around the whole situation. You had amazing sex with both your biases, and your bucketlist of a threesome at once. Just that. Think just about that. For now. Okay?" Sarah nods and takes another sip of the whisky. Doenja lifts the bottom of Sarah's glass higher so she takes bigger sip. She smiles and drinks of hers too.

Sarah waves them all goodbye as they go to collect BTS. She calls the landlord and the moving company for overseas shipment. She grabs the contract to see the address to send their stuff to. The housing is provided by Big Hit, as stated in the contract.

The three are waiting for the guys in the lobby. RM is the first one down and waves at Emma while smiling his dimple smile. Emma melts inside and carefully raises her hand to give half a wave back. The others gradually arrive in the lobby too. When Jin and Jhope arrive, the girls exchange looks. "Where is Sarah?" Jhope asks. "Wouldn't he like to know?" Giggle whispers Emma in Mary's ear. "She is organising our moving to Korea. Mary is going to guide you around Ostend today." Doenja speaks up and notifies RM about it. RM nods. "Understandable. Well, Mary, we are in your capable hands now." Mary blushes shyly. V looks at her and uwu's hard inside.

They all move out to the train station. It is only 10 minutes by train from Bruges, so it is a short travel. Jhope and Jin are all thinking about Sarah, and really wanted to see her.

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