Chapter 69

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Sarah ended up on a gondola with Jhope. The guy is used to couples, so they didn't mind him. She is in Jhope's arms, back to his chest. She feels so complete. Being away from it all, Seoul, the contracts, and since everything went to hell anyway, Sarah decided to just enjoy this. Jhope is smiling at feeling Sarah this close to him, not sleeping this time. He whispers in her ear. "Doesn't this feel amazing? I mean, now it is just you and me here. No BTS, no work, nothing but water around us." Sarah nods. "It is amazing." "Just a man and a woman. Who love each other." Sarah sits up at this and faces him. "Because I'm right, aren't I? You love me too." Sarah opens her mouth but this time he places his finger on hers to shush her. "Don't give me that crap. I know you love me. It is written all over your face, and in you DNA." His eyes dwindle to her neck for a brief moment. It is still empty. He cups her face and leans in very close with his face, but doesn't kiss her. "So just for once. Say it. Be honest to yourself and your heart." He doesn't budge and his eyes look straight at her soul. "....yes...." She softly whispers. "What was that?" Jhope asks. "...Yes... I love you, Hoseok. I love you goddamnit. I hate myself for it." Tears jump in her eyes, but Jhope smiles and kisses her deeply. She kisses him too, tears streaming over her face. He wipes them away with his thumb. "Don't hate yourself for it. Why would you? Love isn't meant to be hated for. I love you too. So much. Ever since I first laid eyes on you in that hotel in Bruges." She pushes Jhope away while he is still holding onto her shoulder. "Because I can't. I will be in trouble if I do. So please forget about tonight." "No. I don't want to."

The gondola arrived at the port in meantime. "Sarah?" A voice sounded from the dock. Sarah looks at the voice and sees Ji Hoon standing there. Jhope is still holding her shoulders and she has tears over her face while pushing him off. The moment Sarah is near, Ji Hoon pulls her out of Jhope's embrace and puts her behind his back. "You okay, my love?" He says, not even looking at her but his eyes are shooting bullets at Jhope. "Did he force you?" Sarah pulls at Ji Hoon while Jhope is getting off the boat too. "Ji Hoon, stop, you got it all wrong... He...He was comforting me. He is my boss." Jhope looks at Sarah, lying like that. Boss? "Hoseok, I hope you can return to your room alone. Ji Hoon let's talk." Ji Hoon relaxed when he heard Sarah say the word boss. He nods. They leave together, and Jhope is standing on the docks, puzzled and slightly hurt at Sarah's lie.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asks Ji Hoon. "I couldn't wait another day to see you. I missed you so much so I took a private plane here." He softly kisses Sarah. Sarah feels sad inside. I don't deserve him. Any of them. "So your boss? I recognise him. Isn't he Jhope from BTS? Is this the reason you can't let me in your house? And that you keep so many secrets?" Sarah nods. "If anyone finds out, it will make life hard for me." "So you living together with 7 idols is normal to you?" He sounds slightly jealous. "It's not only them. I also live with my 3 friends I showed you on your party, in the house. The one which wore a black dress, I share a room with. So that is the main reason I can't invite you in." Ji Hoon relaxes again, believing Sarah. "I tried calling you the whole day." Sarah reaches in her pockets and quickly pushes her phone off. "Oh dear, it ran out of battery probably halfway through the day." She shows him the phone that is off. He looks a bit doubting but smiles. "Doesn't matter. We are together again. In this romantic setting. Do you sleep in a room alone here?" Sarah shakes her head. "We sleep with the 4 of us girls together." "Come to my room then tonight. I am staying in the same hotel, in the other suite room" He smiles his handsome smile. Sarah smiles too.

She is laying in bed with Ji Hoon, he is already knocked out by the sex. She is sitting up and worrying. She walks out to the balcony and is crying. She hears a glass shatter in the suite room balcony next to them, but doesn't think about it. She leans over the balcony and sees the canal under her. How deep would this be? She cries and squads, still holding onto the edge. I can't do this anymore. I give up. She grabs her clothes and writes a few notes. One is placed on the nightstand of Ji Hoon, together with the ruby jewel set. She walks to her room, and carefully grabs her already prepared to leave tomorrow luggage and leaves the other note on her bed. She leaves the DNA necklace too. She looks once more at the girls. You'll do fine as long as you have each other. And if you all use your common sense. She closes the door.

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