Chapter 26

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Suga wakes up in the pink, frilly room of the love hotel. Doenja is naked sleeping next to him, under the silken sheets, the blankets are just on her waist, revealing her top that has some markings. She is on her back so he has full view. His head hurts. God, how much did I drink yesterday? He is panicking slightly. He sees a condom on the floor and is slightly relieved. He gently covers her a bit up with the sheets. He gets up and grabs his underwear. He is dressing himself and Doenja opens her eyes. She stretches and smiles at seeing his white back. It has some scratches and marks on his pale skin. Suga is just closing his black jeans and he looks behind him when he heard her wake up. He is silent and a bit awkward. Doenja feels that he is awkward about it and knows he was slightly drunk last night, so she is not going to make it more awkward by trying to ask questions. She also starts to dress gradually, smiling in herself at this amazing experience and dream come true. "D-did I hurt you?" Doenja shakes her head and smiles. She points at a mark on his collarbone. "Did I?" Suga smiles his gummy smile. "Yes, incredibly." She giggles. "I... I..." Doenja decides to help him out. "It's okay, we are both adults." Suga relaxes his shoulders. "Thanks..." They leave the hotel room and are walking along the river. Suga is making some smalltalk, and Doenja feels like the distance between them is smaller and he is more comfortably talking around her. She feels really happy about this small change in their relation. For now, this is fine. She has her hands in her pockets and kicks occasionally some stones.

When they come back in the house, Suga immediately goes to his room for new clothes, and Doenja wants to do the same, to avoid questions from the other girls, but the moment she enters their room, all 3 of them are looking at her seriously. "Omo, where did you come from..." "Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in." "Or maybe should we say lil' meow meow..." Mary makes this dadjoke and makes everyone laugh. Doenja walks to the closet and changes her clothes. "Nothing is going on. We just slept out together, that's all." "Are you sure?" Sarah asks seriously. "Yeah, I told you, we aren't dating or anything. And why do you care so much about what we are doing?" Sarah turns to all the others. "You guys know right, let's stay as professional as we can, to not disappoint the trust RM has in us. We can live out our dream, but don't ask for more than that. Don't risk what we have now." They nod. "Normally we would only be able to look at them anyway. At least now they know our name, interact on a personal level with us. We are already that lucky. We should daily count our blessings and not pursue something else." With that she concludes her warning again. Then she turns to Doenja. "How was it?" She is curious as 10 and Emma and Mary are also begging with their eyes. "Amazing...Best head I ever had." Sarah makes a dadjoke. "Best Head you ever Head?" And Mary is dying from laughter. Emma and Doenja roll their eyes. That's our Sarah. Being all serious is nothing for her. This is much more well suited. They all seem to share that thought.

Jungkook is playing a game with Jimin. Jin is sitting with them but not actually playing along. He keeps thinking about Sarah's cool behaviour. Professionalism they say... To me it feels like she is interested in me but at the same time she is putting such a distance between us. "Jin hyung, it's your turn." Jin doesn't respond. JK smacks Jin's shoulder. Jin woke up from his thoughts and rolls the dice. "Hyung, what is bothering you?" Jimin knows that Jin has been staring at Sarah for a while now. "Do you like someone?" Jin is startled at Jimin's sudden question. "N-No..." "That didn't sound convincing. Is it one of the guests?" Jin looks away. "So it is..." Jimin sighs. "Did you tell her?" Jungkook asks. Jin shakes his head. "Just keep trying, hyung. You are worldwide handsome. She can fall for you if you want to. Even if you don't want her to. Just... be you." Jimin pats Jin's leg in a comforting way.

Doenja is tired from work, she crashes on her bed. She looks jealous at the other women, who can choose their hours more freely. "Thank god it's friday." Doenja moans and reaches for her stash of jack under her bed. She can't reach so she is making begging noises until Emma reaches for a bottle and gives it to her. "Sarah, are you going out tonight again?" "Yeah, anyone wanna join?" The others sigh. The first weeks were fun, but they are tired and want to stay in, close to their biases. Sarah reaches for sexy underwear and rolls up some stockings. She places the girls good and has sexy makeup on. She looked delicious and she knew it. She studies herself in the mirror and walks out. Mary stops her in the doorway. "Why do you go out that much?" "That's a secret. But I want to get a boyfriend here." "But you got J-" Sarah places her finger on Emma's lips. "Don't wait up for me." she winks and smiles and leaves. Emma looks at her go and saddens. Why can't she just find her happiness here?

The members are in the living room when they see her walk down the stairs. Dressed sexy with all her goods just right, her smokey makeup and red lips. RM like how she keeps work and private separate. Even Jimin and Jungkook are staring. She is plumb but she still has this sexy aura around her. Jhope and Jin are feeling all kinds of feelings at the same time. "Are you going out again?" Sarah looks at the guys. "Yeah." RM nods and says "Have fun." Jin and Jhope look at each other and nod. The moment she leaves, they get up and their coats. They leave too. Jimin is just surprised at his hyungs' actions.

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