Chapter 44

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They walk back to the cottage. The others look up from preparing everything for the grand finale tonight. "Where have you guys been?" RM asks. Suga just grabs a snack from one of the plates they are preparing. Doenja smiles. "Just having a walk." Sarah looks at Doenja and in 1 gaze she knows what really happened. She shakes her head and looks down again to what she was preparing, deciding to just drop it. I trust Doenja. Jin pulls Sarah aside. They are sitting on the terrace and out of the sun. He takes off the white bandage and reveals the wound. Jhope looks at it too, out of curiosity. He sees it's long and has many stitches. He feels bad. Sarah notices and smiles. "And this is why people always should wear proper attire during sport. If I had worn a wetsuit it might not have been that deep." Jin is disinfecting it and Sarah clenches her teeth, not showing pain. She does exhale loudly. The others also come and check it out. RM whistles through his teeth. "That looks like it will definitely scar..." The others nod. Sarah smiles, not worried at all. "Don't worry, that scar is my fault, if you want, I'll marry you." Jhope says, in a serious tone of voice. RM looks at this sudden serious outburst of Jhope. Thinking he is saying it out of guilt only. Jin looks at Jhope. "I don't mind the scar either. I don't mind outer appearances that much. So I can marry you too, if you like." Sarah dies inside. Having a proposal of those 2 means the world to her. Tears are in her eyes but she tries to hold back. RM thinks she is sad about the scar and trying to be strong. The other girls just look at each other and know she is sad for a whole different reason. Poor Sarah, this would probably be a dream for her, but she is unable to enjoy it. Emma looks away from the scene and walks off, not able to bear it any longer, seeing Sarah like that.

RM notices and follows Emma. "Are you okay? Are you weak for wounds or blood?" He thinks Emma is feeling unwell about the wound. Emma shakes her head. "She'll be fine." She dryly says but RM can feel that something is eating her. "You know, I am a great listener. I think of myself as somewhat wise. If you want, you can always talk to me, about anything." Emma thinks suddenly that tonight is the last night they will sleep together. Maybe I can have my first time tonight? Or at least my first kiss? I should ask Sarah for tips. Last night worked like a charm. Her worries are changing into excitement. Jin places the big patch on her arm again and leans in. He kisses her shoulder tenderly, right in front of everyone, who is cooing and teasing him. "Being kissed by a worldwide handsome means it will become a pretty scar. A handsome one." He smiles and the maknaes are making barfing sounds. Sarah giggles. Jhope rolls his eyes too.

They all start the preparations again and decide to keep the afternoon activities down low. Just relaxing, chilling at the pool or beach. Emma joins Sarah. "Sarah... Your tips worked like a charm. I had some skinship with RM last night." Sarah lowers her sunglasses and smirks. "Did you attack him?" Emma giggles. "You know I would not... but I did wear my naughty shows this morning and felt his boner." Sarah gasps and pretends to be in shock, or maybe not. She might actually be in shock. "You WHAT?!" RM looks up from the kitchen at the sudden outburst. Emma is trying to shush Sarah and is holding her hand on Sarah's mouth, looking around and making eye contact with RM. She smiles sheepishly and returns her gaze to Sarah, who seems to be quiet under her hand. She releases Sarah again. "TELL ME ALL THE DETAILS!" She whisper-shouted. Emma smiles. She tells everything and Sarah is uwu-ing so hard at times and giggles with Emma, who is on her turn fangirling badly. "Well, depends. What would you like to do. Do you want to go all the way with him?" Emma blushes. "Maybe... But I'm so nervous." "You should be. I actually rather you not." Emma looks not understanding at Sarah. Is she going to tell me the reason she is against relations with the boys? "Because you are my small, innocent Emma. You should stay like that forever~" she ruffles through Emma's hair all cutely. Emma pouts and pokes Sarah. "So what do you want to accomplish?" "Well... I don't know. I want him to do something to me." Sarah looks away and seems to be thinking. "That's not that easy. I mean, I can't completely teach you how to manipulate a guy or control him. I mostly just... let them get an interest in you." "But you did, you predicted RM's behaviour meticulously, to the dot almost."

Sarah looks at Jin, and spaces out. "Sarah?" Emma calls her back. " What? I was thinking!" Sarah takes a sip from her cocktail. "Do the same as you did before. Keep increasing the physical contact. Subtly of course. The trick with every guy is to guide and nudge him into thinking it is his idea, his initiative, while actually you have been in control all along." Emma is blown away at the cunningness of her friend. "But do it under the covers." Emma blushes again and Sarah laughs. "Not literally. Just do it lowkey, the nudging. The man can NEVER know it is you who is the puppeteer. Guys have a big thing about their honor. They got a dick game going." Emma is shocked at Sarah's choice of words. She nods, not sure about how to do it, but she will try her best tonight too. "But what if he bites the bait and we are about to... do 'that'?" Sarah sighs. She ad fundums her drink. "You have read enough fanfics and seen porn to know what is next. It is different for every person, with every person you do it. Trust me, some guys are the same, others are totally different." She is thinking about how Jin and Jhope are 2 different kind of lovers. "And RM is experienced. Let him lead. But the most important of all: If it hurts, or is unpleasant, or you get really scared somehow. SAY IT. Don't be afraid of ruining his fun. If both of you can't have fun, you should not go on. If you decide to keep your mouth shut when it hurts or is bad, you will regret it afterwards. You don't want something this good and enjoyable become a bad memory. So I beg of you, always talk to your partner. Tell them what you like or not like. Even if you never done it before, at the moment itself you need to figure out what you like and not. And tell them. Don't be fooled by those porns and fanfics. Don't have quiet sex, have it loudly, with lots of communication. On the other side: also let him know it is good, and what you like. Confirmation is just as big as a thing in the communication" Emma nods, and swallows while being all red in her face. "That's basically it. Further things are mostly already explained by your sex ed in school. Condoms, how to, etc..."

Emma has made notes in her head. She is excited and nervous, but less than before. It is okay to talk during sex. It is okay to say if I want to stop or if it hurts. That thought relaxes her. Sarah notices that Emma is chilling, and smiles. Being relaxed is also a big part of your first time... You'll do great when that time comes. Emma gets up and decides to swim in the pool. Sarah goes to grab another drink, sad she can't join Emma in the refreshing looking water. Soon they will go back to Seoul and it is done and over with the fun. I did like my time here. Relaxing... no work... but unfortunately I kept being confronted with my feeling for them, and their feelings for me. So I couldn't just fully relax. Emotionally I am still in stress.

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