Chapter 11

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They get awoken by a delicious smell. They look in the mirror and are horrified. "I forgot to take off my make up yesterday." "Me too! OMG I am a panda" All of them are in array. Sarah wakes up and stretches. She gets reminded of what happened yesterday. "Did you have fun?" Sarah asks them. They turn around, trying to save their face so they are still a mess, but with cremes and pads for demake up in their hands. "Yeah. It was amazing. Thanks for showing us the ropes." Mary says. Sarah looks around. "I guess they boys are going to show us another part of being in Korea. I think Jin made hangover soup." Sarah smiles.

Jin is in the kitchen, working to the bone to get a delicious, voluptuous breakfast in order. "Did you make the hangover soup, hyung?" RM inquiries. Jin, slurping from the soup, answers shortly. "Yes." In meantime, Suga briefs the maknaes that were already sleeping that night. "They might look like a mess... Please don't stare." Jhope is fidgeting. He barely had any sleep last night. After he took care of the 'problem' in his pants he was worrying again. Payback? Did we only do that to her? She did strip us though. For us it's not that much, but for her... Jin is stirring the soup while thinking deeply. She got me turned on just like that. She stripped me, and took my lips. Payback? I can't believe this is all we did to her. She was sparing our feelings. We both saw the mess on the sheets. We definitely did 'that" to her. That's why she said 'kinda" in the end... She still remembers clearly what we did to her...

They hear noises on top of the stairs. A bit later the 4 ladies enter the dining room, Jin puts the soup on the table, and that was the last thing to put on the table, so he goes to take a seat too. The ladies don't look that bad. They are audibly more silent than other times tho. They silently take a place at the table, that isn't build for 11 people. So they are all pretty close on each other. Mary gets squeezed between Sarah and V. V tries to give her as much space as possible and sits on his chair with half a cheek. Sarah is in front of Jhope and Jin. She looks at them and smiles. "Good morning." She wishes everyone. RM ask if they are okay, or uncomfortable. Doenja has her hand in front of her eyes and is leaning with her elbow on the table. Suga hands her a bowl of soup, but she politely shoves it away. "I just take a coffee please. I will throw up anyway." "But this soup is hangover soup, it is good for you." "Look, I never eat after a night like this. Just coffee is going to be fine." Suga takes the bowl away again. The others eat gratefully the soup. It replenishes their natrium level, and hydrates them again. After a few sips of her coffee, Doenja gets up and runs for the bathroom. Suga looks after her, worried. Sarah sees Suga's worried face and smiles. "She will be fine. We are used to this. Give her about 30 minutes. She'll eat something light this afternoon and by the evening she is back to her old self." Sarah smiles while enjoying the soup. "It is true, this hits the spot." Emma says. RM smiles. "This is the full Korean experience. So, in the club, did you pick up guys?" He asks curiously. Emma shuts down. There were some guys they grinded with in the club, and they did meet a celeb. Sarah sees her friend shutting down like that. "Why would we need that? We got all the guys we ever want right here." And she smiles at this smooth comeback. Emma breathes again and Mary is trying to eat the soup without the fogging up of her glasses. V notices and softly takes off her glasses. "Will you see the soup and spoon or should I feed you?" Mary smiles. "Would you feed me? Really?" V nods. Mary laughs and acts badly. "Oh dear, I can't even see who you are. Where is my soup?" She starts to touch his face and then around the table. V laughs at her cuteness and grabs the soup. "Just trust me and open your mouth." Mary does happily and he feeds her the soup. They look adorable.

Jin is feeling unrest in his heart. He is completely taken in by Sarah. He can still feel the excitement in his heart, the fire in his abdomen and the butterflies in his belly. She looks unfazed about what happened yesterday. Maybe she forgot? Maybe she was drunk too?

Jhope is leaning on his hand, with his elbow on the table. He just stares at Sarah with a relaxed face, but still thinking about yesterday. Why would she attack us like that? I mean, yeah we might have attacked her first, but still, she is a lady, to come onto us like that. Maybe she doesn't love any of us. Maybe she just wants to play with us. Well, if so, she succeeded. She can play with me, or be serious about me. I want her. Sarah is conscious about feeling Jhope stare at her, but decided not to care anymore. She still knows about yesterday morning. "Ladies, today we have a mission. We must start working. Or preparing. Sorry guys, but today we are on official staff business and we are not allowed to talk to you about it." They nod. "Doenja, you are the only one that should go to the main office and start to get accustomed with the guys their wardrobe. Just give this into naver maps and you'll be fine. It's bus 3452 and you take it in front of that cute shop. Into Hangyang direction." Doenja nods hesitantly. RM looks apologetic at her. "Sorry, I would show you myself, but if I take public transport, it could get nasty and dangerous." Doenja understands and gets up to get ready for work. Sarah turns to the others. "We can have meetings here, but then I need to make sure that we have a spot where you can't hear us. We really need to have the trust in you guys that you won't listen in to us." RM nods understanding. "We like being surprised by our staff better than anyone, so we understand. Right guys?" They all agree. "I think you can use your room. That one is next to the studio and that is the only other room on that side of the hallway." Jungkook says. Sarah nods. "Mary, You will need to work too. You are freelance, so you can go and produce, write lyrics and songs whenever you want. I think it will be okay if you join Suga for his daily schedule of work related to producing. And RM too." Sarah orders the ladies around and they all listen to her.

She starts to clean up after everyone left. Emma already went up for a shower, Mary and Suga are with RM in the studio. Doenja left to grab the earliest bus. Jimin and Jungkook are together with V out on grocery shopping. Jin and Jhope are alone with Sarah, the 3 of them are cleaning up. Sarah is purposely acting cool, even the her heart is wanting to jump out of her chest. She grabs a bowl and at the same time Jin has his hand on hers. They look for a brief second at each other. Sarah let's go first, grabbing another bowl. She is carrying a stack of them to the kitchen and places them in the sink, where Jhope is already busy doing the washing up. While carefully placing them in the water, her hand slides past his. Their knuckles touch for a brief second. She retracts her hands and dries them off. She then grabs a wet cloth and wipes the table. Jin, who brought the last bit of dishes to Jhope places them loudly on the counter. Sarah aims and throws the cloth into the sink with the water in, splashing the water on both guys. She smiles and walks away. Both guys are in awe of how she aimed and managed to hit both of them. Almost as if she has planned to hit them both. Both men their hearts got hit too.

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