Chapter 39

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He rolls off her and Sarah bites her lip. He said it. He just did... I mean I kinda guessed but he just spoke the words out loud. How am I going to get out of this? She gets up in a panic and grabs her nightgown, quickly putting it on. She runs out. She has no plan or clue. She just runs. Jin turns to the door and sees her flee. He is surprised and confused. As she runs, tears stream down her face. She is wiping them away and accidently walks into a table. The glasses and plates and cutlery is still on it, making a loud noise. She doesn't even feel the pain. She did wake up the house, thinking there is a burglarly going on. 9 people look down from the balustrade and see her run off to the beach. Jin is wearing a boxer and is standing in the doorway. They all look at Jin for answers but even he has confusion written over his face.

Sarah is running in the sand she dislikes that much. She can feel the sand slowing her down, and making her more exhausted. She is panting while leaning on her knees with her hands. Sarah, think. Please brains work now. Please find a way. She is still crying, and it is loud. Very loud. She falls on her knees and looks at the inkblack sea. Just a small white dot of the moon is reflecting on the waves. She sits on her feet and just drops her hands in her lap. The cold breeze gives her a shiver. "Don't love me. I just need to tell him. How much more do I need to hurt you. How much more do I need to hurt myself by hurting you? How much more can I take of this?" She shouts to the skies, angrily. "WHAT DID I EVER DO WRONG TO BE TORTURED LIKE THIS??!!" She shakes her fist to the sky and drops it again, hunching her back and crying. She suddenly feels a warmth around her.

V takes a seat next to her. She looks at the jacket he placed around her. He is quiet. Sarah half expected him to start to talk to her. But he just stares at the open sea with her. He sings scenery. His voice soothes her slightly. "Your story is a turbulent one. But those are the best ones. I still wonder, beautiful story. Every story, no matter what genre is beauty on itself. I am sure that whatever is being thrown at you, you can handle it. After all, it is your story." He says when he finished the song. "Even if you think your story is going astray. All stories always follow the same rhythm. No matter how all over the place it is." Sarah looks down at her hands in her lap. "And even tho it feels as if you did wrong and it is a punishment, it is mostly done in a way for you to break through your standstill and grow as a person. In basic you didn't do anything wrong, yet it is an opportunity thrown at you by fate. And it has hit you, hard, cause you were not ready to catch it. So bite through the suffering and take the hit. And be ready for the next throw." V looks at her, knowing she has been staring at him for a while now. He smiles a box smile and his eyes are full of friendliness.

"But I feel like I don't have a choice anymore. I am blocked. I can't move. I can't recover from this." V raises his eyebrows and his lips make a complying pout. "If you say so. Yet when you were in the water today, even when things looked hopeless, you kept going. Even when you couldn't move, you swam. Even when you couldn't breathe, you gave breathe of life to another. So if you tell me you can't move, or recover... Then I'll just simply tell you that I might think weirdly, but you are the weirder one of us right now. Jin hyung once told us that when he feels down, he tries his best to make others happy, and taking that happiness for himself to be happy. Seems to me like you and him are very similar to each other. So try his trick. Who knows. It might actually work for someone like you." He points at the moonlight on the waves. "Even tho the ocean doesn't really move and goes anywhere, it still keeps trying to enter the land only to retreat again. Over and over. It become the tide. It has meaning and purpose." Sarah throws the jacket off while throwing her arms around V. V smiles softly and hugs her too. After they break up the hug, V puts the jacket back on Sarah "So don't cry anymore. Crying won't help a thing. Just like blaming yourself and fate. Now just face it and move on." He gets up and brushes the sand of his butt. He leaves Sarah alone.

Sarah looks at the starry sky. Maybe this isn't the end... Maybe I should just pretend that he told me in the heat of the moment. She nods. "Just like the sea comes and goes, love probably does too. Even if he loves me now, time can change everything. She smiles again, encouraged by the new point of view V gave her. She takes a deep breath and gets up. She walks a bit along the shore. The water is touching her feet. 'I love you' His voice spooks through her mind, even after she made her resolve. She sees a silhouette of someone a bit further. He seems to walk towards her from the other direction she is going. The silhouette of him is getting closer.

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