Chapter 52

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Sarah gets driven home by Ji Hoon. "You sure you don't want to stay with me?" "No, I'm expected by my roommate." "Oh, you have a roommate, well I guess you can always come visit my place then." "I just know you, let's just take it slow. Okay? Goodnight." She kisses the cheek and gets off the car. He waves at her and she is walking on air. He is handsome and lovely. Sweet and kind. And totally into me. She laughs. She quietly turns the key to the lock and sneaks in. She sneaks up and enters her room. Doenja is already asleep. She undresses and goes to bed too.

The next morning she is sitting at breakfast. "So you did come home last night." "Of course I did. I am not the kind of girl to sleep out." She smiles at Doenja. Suddenly Sarah's phone rings. She pics up and walks a bit away. "Yes, Ji Hoon ah." And she goes to another room. Emma and Mary poke each other and are giggling. "So his name is Ji Hoon." they whisper to each other. "Ji Hoon? A guy?" Mary and Emma are startled at the sudden whisper of V. Jin and the others are just looking strangely how V is also joining the gossip brigade. "Omo, V, honey, don't listen in on girl convo's. It's impolite and boring to you." Mary pushes with one finger his head out of her and Emma's bubble. V pouts and sits back down. "But I wanted to know." Sarah joins them again. "Who is Ji Hoon?" Jimin and JK are curious. "He is a guy I know." "So you made korean local friends now? Amazing how quickly you adapt to your surroundings." Jimin is impressed. "If you need help with translation or anything, just ask us. We are also Korean guys next to stars." JK suggests. RM looks at Sarah. He still can't forget what he heard that night, on the balcony. He has been checking up on the thing between Sarah and Jin and Sarah and Jhope. But nothing indicates he needs to worry about it. Although Jin and Jhope are often found, gazing and staring at Sarah.

"I won't eat tonight either. He takes me to the movies." Sarah mentions when she leaves the house and puts on her shoes. Jimin gives her the okay sign. Doenja looks at the door that just closed. I hope you know what you are doing, Sarah. I really hope you won't get hurt. By him or by yourself. Sarah waves at Ji Hoon, who is waiting at a nearby park. She greets him by a kiss on the cheek and he hugs her. "Any preferences of movies?" "Hmmm Birds of prey?" Ji Hoon smiles handsomely. He browses his phone and finds that it is already out of cinema. "Sarah, sweetie, it is on DVD already." "Well, let's go to a DVD room then." Ji Hoon blushes and laughs. "What is so funny? I see them all around." After he stops laughing he explains. "DVD rooms are not meant for just watching a movie. They are private rooms where people can watch a movie, with just the 2 of them." Sarah is not following. He coughs. "It is kind of like a love hotel. It is cheaper but less comfortable." Sarah blushes now too, suggesting something like that on their second date. Ji Hoon thinks she is adorable. He kisses her head and pets her hair. " So cute." He retracts his hand and holds it out for her. "I promise to just watch the DVD with you. I swear." She places hers in his and lets him lead her to his car. She gets in.

They go to the DVD room and it does looks like a sloppy love hotel. They watch the movie and have such a blast. He is keeping his distance and not disturbing Sarah, or trying anything. Sarah decides to near him and leans into him and places her head on his shoulder. His arm, that was resting on the backrest of the sofa, rolls off, onto her shoulders and his hand is holding her arm. He smiles happily. After the movie ended he asks if she wants to see another one, or rather leave. She decided on another one. He orders some snacks and drinks. They watch another movie and Sarah snuggles into him, enjoying the slow romance.

After the movie ended, they go out for dinner again. This time he takes her to a fancy Japanese restaurant. She speaks japanese with the chefs and he is impressed. "Wow, is there any language you can't?" "Chinese and russian." He laughs at her direct answer. "you are amazing and funny. And beautiful." Sarah blushes at his compliment and flips her hair. "I know." Both are laughing at Sarah's silliness. "Such confidence. That's amazing." He leans on his elbows and with his head on his hands. Oh boy, I just made him fall for me. Another one bites the dust. Sarah plays with her hair and is interested in his life. Asking all kinds of questions. They click really well. When they are walking, he takes her to a beautiful park. It has a fountain that is lit up in different colors. It is ever so romantic. Sarah asks to take a pic of both of them and they pose in front of the fountain. The person counts to 3 to snap the pic. And on 3, Ji Hoon places a kiss on Sarah's cheek. Sarah looks surprised at him. His glasses reflect the light and his beautiful face mesmerizes Sarah. The person gives the phone back and takes off quickly. He cups her face and leans over to kiss her on the mouth. Sarah's heart bursts. They kiss and dig deep into each others' mouth. When they finally break the kiss they keep looking into each others' eyes. Eventually Ji Hoon starts talking. "Eh, I.. I'm sorry... I couldn't resist anymore." He looks at her red lips that are still vibrant red. Sarah has a blush too. "I guess I can't hide it any longer. I want you to be my girlfriend." He asks under his breath and looks to the side, embarrassed. Omo; so cute!!! Sarah uwu's inside badly. "Sure. I'll let you be my first Korean boyfriend." He looks happy. He hugs her in his happiness.

He drops her off home. He gets out of the car too and they are saying goodbyes right outside the gate of the building. A bit awkward they are standing there. "W-well, goodnight love." "uhn" He steps closer and cups her face and kisses her. Long. Deep. "G-goodnight." Sarah decides it is time to walk away. He waves until she is in the gate, then he gets back in his car and drives off. Sarah is holding her hands against her cheeks and squeals. She runs inside. When she enters, the others are in the living room. "Oh? You are home early." JK jumps up "How was it?" "Guess we are official now." "No way! Already?!" Mary sits up too. Emma runs to Sarah and hugs her. "That's marvellous news!!!" Doenja slow claps. Suga looks at Sarah and shakes his head. He looks then at Doenja, and Doenja at him and both don't need words to communicate.

SG: She is not serious about it, is she?

DJ: No she is not. It can't be.

Well, what is she going to do now about those 2

I don't know.

There are people going to get hurt. I don't want this.

But we can't do anything. She doesn't tell us why we can't date between us.

Still, I am worried.

I know. I am too.Doenja pulls her mouth in a doubting shape.

Jin was at the front gate when he saw everything. Jhope heard her say they were official when he was in the kitchen. Both men are hurting. Badly.

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