Chapter 24

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They are climbing some stairs. They could take the lift until the 52th floor, but from then they had 2 floors left by stairs. He opens the door and she is surrounded by all of these led roses, but not working yet. He pulls her to the edge of the rooftop garden and she looks over Seoul. She can see the Han river and the sun is setting. He didn't let go of her hand. Mary's freckles are prominent because of the beautiful sunny day they had. The sun is making her face red. V smiles his box smile "How is it? Do you still miss home?" Mary nods but then shakes her head. She looks at V, who's fine features on his manly face are clearly visible because of the shadows the setting sun is throwing on his face. "Not that much anymore. Sunsets are not that different, no matter where in the world you are." "Sunsets might not be that different, but the company is." V mentions. Mary thinks in his philosophical way too. "True that. Being here with you, at this moment in time... Guess it is different in a way. Fun fact, do you know we never are in the same point in this universe? So this moment is the moment where it is a once-in-a-lifetime position in this wide universe. Isn't that freaking you out slightly." V cups her face with 1 hand and smiles. "Not really. I am grateful for every day. Every position I am in the universe. Even the one I am at now. Together with you." Mary blushes but V can't see it since the sun is making everything red. His words are so comforting, and his voice is so soothing... Mary closes her eyes to save the mental picture. V misinterpreted her signal and closes his eyes too. He leans in to kiss her. Mary suddenly feels pressure on her lips and opens her eyes to find V kissing her. Then suddenly the led roses light up around them. She is in shock and stiffens up. V can feel her tense up and not kissing back. He stops and pulls back, confused. A breeze lifts one of the rebellious locks as Mary tries to gather herself again. "I...I'm sorry... I... I Misunderstood..." V is embarrassed and looks away. They are both standing awkwardly in this romantic setting. V is holding his arm in front of his nose and lips to hide his shame. "S-shall we go home?" He steps away towards the door.

Mary is standing on the roof. She carefully reaches for her lips. The roses feel so lonely around her somehow. Did he just... OMG... She barely keeps in to not start shouting and fainting. She then starts to giggle, because the butterflies in her stomach can't seem to keep still. Best date...ever! She follows him back down.

RM calls for a meeting. They all come to the living room. Mary and V are sitting across of each other and the other ladies all giggle, knowing what happened since Mary told them the first moment she came home. V is just having his manly poker face on, and pretends as if nothing happened. "I know this setting is temporary. I promised Sarah's group to have their own apartment. Now I just want to know a few things. Have any of you felt inconvenienced in any way by living together?" No one raises their hand. "So it is safe to say that our collab in the house is one of perfection?" They nod. "Well, I would like to ask our guests a thing now." The 4 women look a bit at each other and stressed. "If you want, you can go to your very own apartment. It is finished. But if you want to stay with us, that is also a possibility. We can move to a bigger condo. More specifically..." And he grins. "We can buy the apartment next door. We can throw in the common wall and make this a 9 bedroom apartment. We can even make a second studio, and partage the living room into 2 more bedrooms. It would take some more time to get construction done. But it is a possibility." Doenja, Mary and Emma look at this offer with heart eyes. Sarah is not that convinced. If something goes wrong, they will end up in a huge ass condo. With rooms to spare... They should have never lived with their staff... The other 3 all nod and RM looks at Sarah, who seems to be thinking. Strange. If she is a true fangirl, she would be on cloud nine by my suggestion of living together, yet she looks in terror, the seventh hell. "Sarah? What do you think?" He asks and the other 3 women just now notice that Sarah isn't in their league of heart eyes. Sarah is fidgeting with her fingers. "Sarah?" The other 3 nudge her. "What's wrong?" Sarah looks at their innocent faces full of dreams and hope. How can I say no to them...Guess I'll see where it takes us. I rather have them not being that easily close to the others anymore. But maybe they won't... I don't want to take away their chance on living their dream... "Very well. Go ahead if you truly want us to stay." Mary and Emma cheer. Doenja just knows that Sarah is not putting 100% her heart in this decision, but cheers nevertheless. Sarah smiles at her friends their precious small happiness. The BTS members all feel like something is off with Sarah's reaction. RM just shrugs. She truly is professional and not just a fan. Jin and Jhope look at Sarah too. Jhope is thinking about how he can make Sarah fall for him. Jin is just thinking about all the temptation he is going to have to go through, living with her in 1 house.

RM proceeds the plans and for the coming few weeks they can hear construction noises from next door. It is bothering Suga a lot. One evening he had enough and slams the studio door. Doenja, who just came back from the toilet notices that he is stressed out. Knowing she can't be forward about talking to him about his feelings, and not that into that sweet shit either, she decides to do it her way to help him. "Hey, Wanna go for a drink?" Suga looks at Doenja and nods. "Glad to." They move to a fancy bar with all kinds of liquors on the wall at the bar. They are sitting on the bar stools and clink their glasses together. He is drinking a fine Jamesson, and she is having her Jack. "How is producing going?" She asks. He stares in the glass. "I am stuck... I have no inspiration. I can't even bloody focus with all the noises." Doenja feels sorry for him and lays her hand on his arm. "You are Suga, the genius. You can do this." She then raises her glass. "To the genius in BTS." He shushes her, the whole bar doesn't need to know he is there." She laughs and drinks to her toast. He smirks too. After their 5th glass the are slightly drunk. Doenja orders some water for the both of them. Gratefully she gulps it down. "You know, sometimes I just feel the urge to kick myself down. I mean, I have soared such heights, I wonder when the downfall will come. When will my wings give out? When will I run out of energy, to crash and burn?" He swirls the whiskey. Doenja shoves a glass of water to him. "On the way, midflight, you could find another one who can become your strength. Someone to keep you going. And even if you won't be able to fly high anymore, at least flies with you a bit lower and teaches you to preserve your energy. Someone that understands you." Someone like me...Doenja thinks to herself and smiles. "Someone like you, I guess?" Doenja suddenly looks up from her drink and is startled. "Read your mind, didn't I?" Suga smirks and takes a sip of the water she shoved to him. "Let's go." He gets up and walks off. Doenja quickly follows him.

They are walking along the Han river. Doenja is stressed. "I know you like me. I am your bias, right?" Suga is not looking directly at her, but through the mirror behind the bar. Doenja is looking at Suga. His pale skin, his jawline, his cute small face. He looks very relaxed, with the fact that his eyes are that small. She can see his pearly little teeth. She swoons inside. "Thanks for your support. It means a lot to me." If it is support he wants... "Your music meant a lot to me. It fired me up, it soothed me, it gave me a way to vent. It felt comforting to know someone baring his rawness to the world, no matter what comes. When you rap and cuss at haters, it feels as if you stand up for me too." Suga is touched by these words. He is trying to stay strong and not break down in crying. "Thanks. I mean, a lot of people would crucify me for it, but hearing it helps breaking down walls and barricades for others..." He smiles gratefully. He takes a seat on the river bed. He starts to rap something. Doenja sits next to him and pulls up her legs. She lays her head on on her knees and listens to him. After a few minutes, he suddenly stops. "Why did you stop?" Doenja leans her head on her knees, but on the side this time, looking at him. Suga is looking at her fair face. Not a trace of imperfection to be seen. Her red hair is dark red in the darkness of the night. He leans with his arm on his knees and with his head on his arm, looking straight at Doenja. "Because I want to savour something priceless." Doenja lifts her head up, feeling the tension.

A breeze takes on, and Doenja slightly shivers. Suga notices and shoves closer to her, taking off his jacket and putting it over her. The lights of the city at the other side of the river are like little stars on the water, flickering of the waves a night cruise ship made. There is a soft noise of cars and traffic on the background. Suga is now so close to Doenja. "Isn't this inspiring for you? The sounds of the city, the lights of the city at night?" Doenja tries to diffuse the tension. Suga looks at her but hesitates. Doenja looks him and sees he probably wants to kiss her. She closes her eyes and leans in to kiss him, taking the lead. The moment her lips touch his, her heart explodes into many fragments. Suddenly Suga picks up the lead and she can feel his tongue stroking her lips only to gently enter them. Kissing like this, it gradually deepens as Suga can't contain himself any longer. He forces more and more onto her until she has no choice but lay back in the grass on the slope. He gets on top of her and keeps kissing her. Both of them have lost their inhibitions because of the alcohol and his hands are slipping under her shirt. He pushes his knee between her legs and takes full charge. Doenja wrestles her lips free from his and while he lets her escape, his lips go to her neck. She is panting. "L-like this? R-right here? People can see us..." Suga pauses his kissing and looks up. "Let's go there then." And he pulls her up and eagerly pulls her with him. They enter a small hotel somewhere. OMO a love hotel??? This is my first time in a love hotel!

>>>>>Smutwarning in the next chapter. You can skip it if you want. DoenjaxSuga<<<

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