Chapter 29

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Summer is almost there, and Sarah has calmed down more. She doesn't go out that often anymore. They got a deadline from the company to catch, so Emma and Sarah are walking around the house, slummed in work. Sarah is on the phone with hotels, Emma is on the phone with tourist attractions and museums. Every time Sarah is at the dinner table or having lunch, she gets called. She barely has any attention to the others.

In meantime the renovations are finished. There are 4 room on the 2nd floor, so now the second floor has a total of 8 rooms. 1 of them is still a studio. The downstairs of the apartment now has the same living room but the dining table got slightly bigger. The same kitchen and the other downstairs living and kitchen has become 2 more rooms. They are still going to make those 2 rooms the new studios. So the old studio will become another room. In total the house will now have 8 bedrooms. They are with 11 so they are deciding who will share a room. Jin and Jhope want their own room. RM wants the girls to have their own room too, but Sarah lifts her hand. "I don't mind sleeping with Doenja." Doenja nods at this arrangement. She doesn't like to be alone. Jungkook and Jimin decided to share a room too. So the 2 biggest rooms go to Doenja and Sarah, and JK with Jimin. The others get their own room. They all agree. And so the moving starts.

In the evening, they have all gathered behind the TV, to see a pre recorded broadcast where they win a price. The ladies are sitting on the floor, right in front of the TV, ready to fangirl as they are used to. Doenja glows, knowing she styled their clothes and the girls all comment and praise her choice. When there is a soloshot of RM, Emma is fangirling and going how nice that pants looks and hitting on Sarah's arm. Sarah laughs "Yeah, yeah, We know, we know..." Then when Jhope is soloshotted Sarah squeals. "That jawline. HNG! He is sooooo hot!! Did you see his dance move?" Sarah reaches with her hand to the TV and then retracts it to keep her heart steady. Jhope can't help but glow and smirk. Jimin whispers to V "This is like a fans react to video... but in real life." They all are secretly loving how the 4 ladies in front of them are behaving. Showing their fangirl side. RM slightly proud of these 4 ARMY. Jin blows a kiss and they all squeal. Sarah pretends she faints. Jin tries to keep a straight face but is failing and laughs in RM's shoulder out of shyness. V speeches and Mary is holding her heart. "His voiceeeee" She loudly whispers in awe. V coughs and smirks too. Jimin and Jungkook also get their portion. "Oof, Nobody works harder than those buttons on JK's shirt. Keeping it together. #relate." Sarah remarks. "He tight AF... OOF indeed." Mary joins. "Jimin is soooo cute when he did the finger hearts to the camera at the end." "I know right?" The maknaes are happily smiling too. The titles come up and then advertisment and the 4 keep talking about the show. V coughs again. They suddenly are aware that their fangirl has shown in front of BTS themselves.

"Eh... eh..." Sarah tries to find a way out... RM laughs, they all are smiling. "So this is ARMY at home, when they see content of us. So interesting, so refreshing." They all nod and are smiling. V leans forward and says in his husky voice. "If you like my voice that much, shall I have a chat with you then?" Mary is holding onto her soul like the buttons on JK's shirt. Jin blows a kiss at all of them. Instant killing them by evoking the same effect as it was on TV. Jungkook smiles his bunny smile while looking down. "I'm wearing a T-shirt now." Jimin winks at the ladies and throws a heart. Getting the same reaction as they had when Jin threw them a kiss.

The mood in the evening is a good one after that event. They are all really chatty with each other and things are going well. Sarah smiles. For the first time in a while I am feeling perfectly happy. Seeing them so happy. Seeing my idols happy. Seeing how we can have a good time without endangering ourselves. Her next thoughts make her frown slightly. No, No, today is a good day, I won't have none of that! She smiles at the joke Mary just pulled.

Doenja is getting more comfortable in being a stylist. She walks around in the dressing room, easily throwing together clothes. She is also already calling with fashion houses to get limited editions, and borrowing from the special collection just for red carpets and award shows. She is slowly on her way to become a pro stylist and the head of styling trusts her a lot already. Suga is in the dressing room again. She is getting him fit a new suit. She opens his jewelry box and takes out a few items, only to shake her head and put it back. Suga notices how deligent she is with her job. He wants to give her a present. But he doesn't know how...or what. She holds a bracelet in her hands and looks at it with starry eyes, visibly liking it a lot. She drops it again. Suga walks towards her and takes the bracelet. He puts it on her wrist. "It looks amazing on you too." He holds her hand and looks into her eyes. "I guess it does, but it isn't mine." She tries to take it off again. "No, keep it on. I want you to have it. You have not made me into a liar, so as a thank you I want to give it to you. As you know, I got plenty of them." "I..I cannot accept this." Suga squeezes her hand and his voice is insisting. "Please, keep it." He softly touches her cheek with his other free hand and almost kisses her, but they hear the door open. Suga rushes back to the mirror and Doenja puts her arm behind her back. The head stylist enters the room. "Doenja, did you finish fitting his costume?" Doenja takes a look at Suga, who is pulling his sleeves too. "Almost, just the pants sir." He nods and is scribbling on a noteblock. She can hear him mumble that he hates inventories and that it is almost that time of the year again. He leaves again, in a chaos.

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