4) Rumors

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Marinette's POV
The next day at school was a nightmare. Marinette couldn't walk across the hall without hearing about Ladybug and Chat Noir, rumors about their secret date and romance.

Marinette cared about Chat, of course, he always lit up her day and made her laugh and smile, but her heart belonged to a different blond. 

Adrien Agreste.

Over the last year or so, she was proud to admit that her stuttering had practically vanished, allowing her to have normal conversations with the model and avoid making every situation awkward.

Of course, he still hadn't noticed her or asked her out or anything of the sort, but progress was progress.

She told Chat almost everything, save it be her identity as Ladybug and the name of her crush, but he still managed to guide her through her love life and encourage her to talk to the boy more, and just get to know him.

As much as she hated to admit it, he actually gave decent relationship advice.

By the time lunch came around, Alya had gone full "Ladynoir" mode testing theories and conspiracies past her friends.

"Did you see my article, guys?"

"Yeah," Adrien shyly mentioned. "It was... something."

"How do you know they were on a date, Alya?" Marinette asked, attempting to move the conversation away from secret romances and midnight escapades.

"Did you see the way she was leaning against him girl? They looked so in love. What else could it be? Marinette, girl, I know you have a crush on Chat, but face it. He and Ladybug are meant to be!"

"Alya!" She stuttered.

"I'm kidding." She laughed, "Don't get so defensive. You have been drawing a ton of Chat Noir stuff lately though... anyways. Back to the matter at hand. I'm telling you, it was a date!"

"Well, they are partners. What if she was just hanging out with her best friend and then fell asleep or something? How are you going to prove they were actually on a date?"

"She has a point, babe." Nino added, trying not to get drawn into the middle of his girlfriend's journalistic endeavors.

"Trust me, after some interviews and analyzing photos, I'll get to the bottom of it. I take my OTPs seriously, and I will stop at nothing to determine whether or not one of my top two ships is actually sailing."

"What's your other one?" Adrien timidly questioned, taken back by the determination in Alya's voice.

"That does not concern you, sunshine." She smirked, giving Mari a knowing look. "All that matters is that Ladynoir will sail! If it's the last thing I do..."
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
That evening, Chat Noir left Marinette's house early for patrol. What he didn't realize is that she would be coming with.

"Hey kitty!" Ladybug exclaimed as she caught up to her partner. "Mind explaining our 'date' last night?"

Of course Marinette knew the truth, and she felt awful throwing her partner under the bus, but she couldn't let him catch on to the fact that she already knew what happened.

She would have to play it dumb.

"I'm so sorry m'lady." He immediately apologized. "I was hanging out with a friend and someone thought it was you... I promise it wasn't a date! There's only room in my heart for you, bugaboo."

Ladybug rolled her eyes before answering.

"Okay, just... be more careful in the future. You never know who's watching. In the mean time, we need to explain that this was all a misunderstanding to the press-"

"No!" Chat interceded. Ladybug turned her head in question, silently offering him to explain his outburst.

"I'm sorry Lb, but I can't throw my friend out there. This was my mistake, and I promise it won't happen again, but please... can we just say that it was you and me? Just hanging out after patrol? I don't want her to get mixed up in the press..."

Ladybug smiled, touched that her partner really cared about her. Cared enough to direct all of the unwanted attention away from her civilian self.

"Of course." She agreed, knowing full well that whatever they did, one side of her would be surrounded by articles and interviews.

"Just don't let it happen again."

"Cat's honor."

Why was it that Ladybug felt her heart lift when Chat had stood up for her civilian self? Why was it that she couldn't look away from his eyes? What was it about his carefree attitude and blind faith that always drew her in?

I mean, it wasn't like he would ever fall for plain old Marinette. She was just a friend. He loved Ladybug.

So why was her heart racing?

Because he's my best friend. My partner. I don't know what I would do without him.

And as soon as she reassured herself of her feelings, she followed Chat on patrol as they leapt into the night.

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