5) Sleepovers

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Adrien's POV
Over the next few weeks, everything began to clear up. Stories of the heroes' midnight patrol circulated the media.

Not that it did much good.

A lot of devoted fans were determined it was something more, Alya included, and they were convinced that the heroes were hiding something.

I wish.

Adrien thought about Ladybug. Her porcelain skin, her deep ocean blue eyes, even the little freckles you could only see in close proximity. How she lit up in the Parisian night, and how the light shined over her beautiful hair; which had recently been altered from her signature pigtails to a single, long ponytail running down her shoulders.

She was perfect.

No wonder the media had her mixed up with Marinette, though. The more he thought about it, the more alike they were.

They had many similar features, and over the last few months he had really come to discover how bright and energetic his normally shy classmate could be.

Tonight at Mari's house, he couldn't help but watch her plump, pink lips. How she softly bit the lower one as she continued on her designs.

She was a beautiful girl, no doubt about it, but the bun she had styled her hair in and the Chat Noir hoodie she wore entranced him.

Snap out of it Adrien! What are you thinking?

Marinette was a friend, his best friend aside from Nino, to be honest, and he loved her like a sister.

Even with the mask, it felt as if she knew him better than anyone ever had. He could talk to her after a particularly rough day, or even curl up and watch a movie.

He had to admit the undeniable bond they had, one that didn't exist when he was out of costume.

"Whatcha working on?" He asked from the chaise, finishing up homework from the day before.

"A dress. I was thinking about a Ladybug and Chat Noir line... what do you think about that?"

"I think it sounds purrfect. What's 32 times 37.9375?"

Marinette grabbed her calculator from the other side of her desk before checking.

"1,214." Before he started writing, Chat let the number sink in. Of course, why wouldn't that be the answer?

1,214 days.

"Chat? You okay?" Marinette looked up from her design, noticing that he had just seemed to freeze.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Sorry, I just blanked."

"Okay. I think I'm going to head to bed, it's getting pretty late..."

"Yeah, of course." He responded, watching the hour hand of the clock rest on the 1.

"I'm gonna head out-" he was interrupted by a clap of thunder, followed by the pitter patter of the rain slamming the roof top.

"I knew I was bad luck." Before Chat could take a step outside, though, a blast of lightning lit up in the distance.

"Are you kidding, you stupid cat? There's no way I'm letting you go out in that. I'll grab the cookies, you get the blankets. It looks like we're having a sleepover."

The boy was thrilled about her proposal, both because of the weather and the simple comfort of being by her side.

"Sounds purrfect. I'll take the ch-"

"Don't you dare. I'll take the chaise."

"But princess, I'm but a guest in this castle. Royalty should get the bed."

"But you're my knight? Are you not? And the knight deserves the bed after a long day of protecting the princess."

"True, but nonetheless he's a knight," Chat gave out a dramatic sigh, "and his princess always comes first."

"Get up here you dork. Who said the princess couldn't share?"

And with that he grinned, grabbing a cookie, as he laid down by Marinette, pulling the comforter and pile of blankets over his suit.

He wasn't sure what prompted him to do it. His protectiveness of her? The cold weather? Or even just the idea of being near her, but whatever the reason he did it.

Chat put an arm around Mari, pulling her in. She reached a hand into his golden locks, scratching the base of his ear, making him hold back the urge to purr. It didn't work.

I love Ladybug, I love Ladybug, I love Ladybug-

Each time he repeated the phrase in his head it became less and less effective. Every time he only found himself pulling Marinette closer, wanting her closer, afraid to let go.

What's wrong with me? I love Ladybug, so why does this feel so dam good?

He looked at the sleeping girl beside him, her head leaning against his chest. Her hair reflected the moonlight shining in, making her more radiant than ever. Peaceful and content. She looked almost like-

Why am I comparing her to Ladybug? She's my best friend... so why do I want to pull her in, and...

He felt himself reaching towards her face, helpless as his hand caressed her cheek. Her lips... what are you thinking Agreste!

Adrien used all his willpower to pull away from the sleeping figure.

That's it. She looks like Ladybug. That's why you're a mess, it's just her resemblance.

But even as he thought it, Adrien knew he was lying to himself. Because right here, right now, it wasn't Ladybug he wanted to pull in and kiss... it was Marinette.

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