8) Crushes

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Marinette's POV
The rest of the day, Marinette suffered through the jokes and names from her classmates, often being called "Mrs. Noir". She would always remind them that it was nothing more than a celebrity crush, but she knew that was a lie.

Of course, her friends would never think otherwise. How were they supposed to suspect that she was the one citizen he constantly visited? The one who was really in that article a few months ago? The one who fought by his side every day? The one he actually kissed?

How were they supposed to know that she meant every word she said and more, as both a partner and a friend?

So despite them making a joke of her "celebrity crush" and good heartedly teasing her over it, they only helped her to realize the truth.

Oh my gosh, I think I have a crush on Chat Noir.

She thought back to the kiss they shared the night before, how much she wanted to do it again.

I have a crush on Chat Noir.
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
The rest of the day went by quite smoothly, only interrupted by an akumatized history teacher turned into the Crusader.

The akuma itself was quite weak and easy to defeat, however, time was lost as Ladybug couldn't stop staring at her partner throughout the battle.

She was thankful he was too blind to notice her awkward attitude, but this was the first time she had really noticed how good he looked in a skin tight suit.

He had a muscular body which was outlined by the costume, and she couldn't stop staring as he flipped and jumped.

Heck, as much as it ashamed her to admit it, she was practically drooling when he flirtatiously flexed. She was just lucky he didn't notice the way she froze with a giddy smile on her face.

But worst of all, she almost stuttered in front of him. In front of the boy she hung out with practically every night, her punny and dorky partner.

Something she hadn't done since... well, since Adrien.

Her mind was flying in too many directions, and when Chat came over that night the tension was a bit obvious. Throughout the movie, instead of joking around and messing with each other, letting Chat braid her hair and throw popcorn like normal, they sat and quietly watched; only making the occasional comment or laughing at a funny part.

If she had to guess, she would assume they were both trying to sort out their feelings after last night, and she wondered where she stood on Chat's list.

The rest of the month was quite similar, really. Though the hero never stopped his visits, they became less often and less informal.

Their usual joking manner and feelings of comfort and haven had begun to shatter, leaving an obvious elephant in the room.

Patrols and akumas had the same feeling, more distant some how, though that didn't stop her from eyeing her partner or secretly enjoying his  puns and advances.

On a completely separate note, Marinette's relationship with Adrien seemed to be a bit strained as well. Over the last year, they had spent a lot more time together, becoming closer than they ever had before. It seemed like their progress froze, and she couldn't help but think that the change of atmosphere was due to her relationship with Chat.

If maybe, trying to move on had changed their whole dynamic... even if he never realized her crush and awkward romantic pursuits in the first place.

Whatever was going on, though, one thing became more and more painstakingly clear. This wasn't just some silly teenage crush. It wasn't a celebrity one either.

No, the way she missed their old relationship, with and without her suit. The fact that she found herself thinking in the middle of the night of how she wished he would tell her that he loved both of her sides. The way her thoughts of Adrien were replaced with memories of her best friend and partner.

This was most certainly not a "crush". A crush didn't leave you feeling empty when they left or make your heart ache for their embrace. The way she hoped and prayed that the uneasiness during their visits would suddenly just disappear and the times she caught herself picturing him without the mask.

It had never been more obvious.

She was really, truly and completely, in love.

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