28) Bets

167 13 7

Marinette's POV
The next few days were normal, or, as normal as they could be when your best friends know you and your boyfriend's secret identities.

Despite that, though, things were normal.

Today was New Years Eve and Kim was holding a party at his place, the whole class being invited.

And Adrien and Marinette had a plan.

What better way to announce their relationship than the traditional kiss to kick off a new year?

The best part of it, besides taking their classmates by surprise, they wouldn't be back at school for another week meaning no one could pester them until then. Their friends were oddly protective of their ships.

All she could think about is how they would react to the voyage of S.S. Adrinette.
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Marinette arrived at the party a little late, surprise surprise, though she was quite thrilled that the only two people not in attendance were tweedle-blonde and tweedle-lier.

"Hey!" She greeted Alya, who was currently talking with Myléne and Ivan.

"Hey girl! Where's sunshine?"

"I don't know, he should be here by-"

"Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice came rushing in, panting.

"Couldn't get out of the house," huff, "father and stuff," wheeze, "black leather," breathe, "here now." Pant.

"Woah, you okay Agreste?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." He replied, propping his elbow on Mari's shoulder for support.

The rest of the evening was actually really fun. Truth or dare, beer pong (lemonade style), gossip about couples, Ladynoir included, and other news.

It was 11:57, and Alix was still trying to convince the class to play "The Final Countdown" during the ball drop.

Of course, they weren't actually watching the ball drop considering they were in both a different time zone and continent, but hey, they could still use the phrase.

11:58 and everyone was scrambling around, trying to find their significant other or their friends.

11:59. Almost everyone was paired up, and all eyes were on Adrinette. The class watched in awe as Adrien wrapped his arm around her.











"Happy New Y-" Mari was cut off by Adrien's lips on hers as she immediately leaned in.

The other couples were cut short as they noticed their OTP.

"Oh my gosh."

"My New Years resolution is complete."

"My ship!"


"Wow, they're still going."

"Adrinette is canon!"

The room went crazy as the two finally ended the kiss, hand in hand, grinning.

"Wait, I'm an Adrinette shipper as much as the next guy," Ivan began, "but I thought both of you were already in a relationship."

Adrien smirked before answering.

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