27) Families

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Alya's POV
Superheroes. Her best friends were actual superheroes.

Alya wasn't sure how to respond, how to react. Should she be angry? Surprised? Hurt? Excited? All of the above?

On one hand, her friends didn't tell her the biggest secrets of their lives. Of course, though, she knew how the hero thing worked. Between her part time job as Rena Rouge and the shows and comics she grew up with, it was hard to blame them for the secret identities thing.

But on the other hand, they were dating and they didn't tell her. Most people would be more excited about the heroes thing but no. Alya Césaire was just as, if not more, ecstatic knowing that her two OTPs were the same people. I mean, how romantic is that?

But her bestie did hide the fact that she was dating Chat Noir for months, and still didn't tell her even when she knew he was Adrien. She had to admit, that kind of stung.

"Okay, I think I'm okay. Don't get me wrong though, this will take months to fully process."

Nino nodded in agreement, Adrinette smiled hopefully.

"Let's start by getting the fangirling out of the way.... oh my gosh, my best friend is Ladybug! And she's dating Chat Noir who is my other best friend Adrien Agreste! My ships are canon! They're canon! They're part of an oblivious and dense two person love square... but they're canon! Eek!"

Alya took a deep breath, not even looking at her friends' reactions before sighing.

"Now for the factual, reporter, side. I get why you hid this, I really do. It's like some sort of supernatural bylaw, but it's still hard to think that all this time you've been hiding, lying, about it all. I mean in hindsight, it really was obvious, but I guess it just took me by surprise. My best friend, all along. And you sunshine, you're no better. By the way, I'm expecting a lot of exclusive interviews."

She took in another deep breath before continuing.

"Now, finally, here's my best friend and girl talk rant. You were dating Chat Noir and didn't tell me?! I let you get away with the 'I want to see if this will work out' or the 'I need to get to know him better' thing for months, just to find out it was a superhero. And not just any superhero... girl, you got a two for one deal on the biggest heartthrobs in the world. Not to mention, you finally got Agreste! After all this time... you got Adrien Agreste. Now, I will admit, I never expected him to be a furry, but still. Maybe your years of crushing was worth something after all, and I'm happy for you girl. I've never seen anyone who could make you smile like that. And you, Agreste, you better treat her right. If she comes to me crying, don't expect me to go easy on your pretty face."

"Got it Als." He laughed, wrapping an arm around Mari. "But I'm not planning on hurting her anytime soon."

The smile on his face, the absolute adoration decorating his eyes as he looked at her, even the way he leaned into her, Alya could tell this wasn't just some phase.

He loved her.

Adrien Agreste really loved Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and it was obvious that she was just as love sick.

"You two are so adorable it's sickening." Alya finally smirked.

"That's what I've been tellin' them!" Plagg's voice rang out from the corner.

"Shut it, cheese face." Tikki scolded from his side.

"Sorry Sugarcube."

"We'll take that as a compliment." Adrien finally concluded.

"How did I not see it before?" Nino asked.

"Seriously, dude. Your inner Chat is always showing. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner."

"Well think about what it was like for us," Mari smirked. "My best friend and old crush of almost four years turned out to be my partner, other best friend, and boyfriend... and I never noticed. I spent almost 12 hours a day with some form of him, and I never pieced it together. Casanova right here was just as bad. We aren't the most skilled when it comes to guessing..."

"I could tell."

The four laughed before Adrien finally spoke up.

"So are we good?"

"Of course, dude. You guys are our friends, our family, nothing's ever gonna change that."

Alya sighed.

"He's right, you know. You couldn't get rid of us if you tried. I forgive you on one condition... there's something I've always wanted to do..."

She put her fist out in the middle of the circle.

"Pound it?"

The others all eagerly joined.

"Pound it."
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
Adrien's POV
The rest of the night felt like, well, Christmas.

Obviously there were still some unanswered questions and a lot of mixed feelings regarding it all, but it was better.

Tom and Sabine were smiling as the teenagers joined them downstairs, the air lighter and their smiles more genuine than they had been during dinner.

"Adrien, Marinette, you do know where you're sitting, right?" Sabine asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

"No. Wh-" he followed her gaze towards the ceiling, noticing the little green and red plant hanging above the couple.

"Mistletoe." Alya smirked. "Get at it love bugs."

Adrien uncharacteristically cringed at the particularly bad pun before looking at Tom and Sabine, as if asking for permission. Tom was grinning as well.

"Well, son, it is tradition." He shrugged.

Adrien smiled and turned to his left, pulling Mari in and giving her a sweet, short kiss.

Apparently there had been something about their interaction, the sheer familiarity between the two, that sparked the Dupain-Chengs interest.

"Is there something you aren't telling us?" Questioned Sabine.

Mari looked at him and he lightly squeezed her hand, smiling.

"Well, maman, papa, Adrien and I are... dating."


That's wonderful!"

"Merry Christmas?" Adrien offered, unsure how he was supposed to respond.

"Merry Christmas indeed!" Agreed Tom.

And the rest of the night, surrounded by the most important people in his life,
Adrien knew that this was his family.

With the tinsel and stockings, decked out tree and star, fireplace and nativity, his girlfriend, best friends, Tom, and Sabine, Adrien Agreste was finally home.

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