23) Jobs

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Ladybug's POV
Ladybug couldn't help but swoon over her boyfriend at the meet and greet.

The way he joked and laughed with the children made her heart flutter, and she couldn't stop thinking about how great of a dad he would be.

Especially the way he acted around that one little girl, Ava.

She was an absolute sweetheart, and Ladybug noticed how much it hurt Chat as she tried to mention her leukemia.

The smile he gave the little girl, the way he hugged her, how thrilled he about the card; she didn't think it was possible, but it made her love him even more.

As soon as they were done making their rounds and talking with kids and their parents, they entered an office where a doctor had volunteered to start printing the selfies they had taken.

As each one came out, the heroes eagerly signed it and wrote little messages.

She paused at one in particular, though, the one with Ava. All three of them were grinning, and Chat's Santa hat was a bit lopsided.

The camera was a little crooked in Ladybug's grasp, but it was perfect.

Light, happy, dare she say jolly, and each of their smiles were genuine and bright.

She noticed her boyfriend looking at it too, smiling, before she had an idea.

"Would you mind making a couple copies of that one? And of this card, too?" She asked, handing the homemade gift to the man running the printer.

He smiled and got to work as the heroes signed Ava's photo and wrote out a note on the back.

They continued to do the same for the rest of the pictures as the doctor handed them the requested copies.

"Here you go. We'll make sure to get these out to the kids, I know they'll love them. Thanks again for coming, we all really appreciate it. I can't imagine what it must be like being stuck in a hospital over Christmas, and I guess those kids just needed a little holiday magic. You have no idea how much this means to them."

"We're happy to help." She replied, grabbing the copies. "We love kids, and coming here made our holiday better too. If you ever need us to stop by again, don't hesitate to ask."

And with that the heroes exited the building, launching themselves over the rooftops.

"Here you go, kitty," she handed him the original card and one of the pictures with Ava. He smiled as he looked over photo.

"Thanks, m'lady. I had fun. I'm really glad we got to help out, and if I'm being honest... I probably enjoyed it even more than those kids."

"I could tell," she giggled, "you couldn't stop smiling."

He replied with a nervous laugh.

"What can I say? I like children."

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter..." he laughed before kneeling down on the rooftop they had stopped at, kissing the back of her hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow bugaboo."

"Wait, what's tomorrow?"

"Photo shoot... remember? Your first day as dad's intern..." he laughed as he started changing his direction, heading back towards his home.

"Oh yeah! So... see you tomorrow!" She yelled as he made his way off into the distance.

The moment Mari returned home, she opened her diary box and pulled out the book recording the night's events. As soon as she was done, she stuck the card and picture with Ava in the page, being careful to make sure no one saw it.

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