22) Presents

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Adrien's POV
It had been almost two months since the Halloween dance, and Christmas was just around the corner.

And by corner, he meant 4 days.

All Adrien had left were four birds of calling, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree to come up with a present for his lady, and the odds weren't in his favor.

"Come on Plagg! I'm serious! I'm not giving the love of my life camembert!"

"Stilton would be nice too. Ooh! A delicate limburger or brie! I would also recommend the Wisconsin swiss or-"

"I'm not getting her any form of cheese."

"Then I don't know what to tell you kid. I guess, do something original. Girls like sappy homemade stuff."

"Thanks Plagg, I think."

School was out until after New Years, meaning the only activities he had scheduled this week were a meet and greet at a children's hospital this evening, a holiday photo shoot tomorrow, and Christmas Eve dinner at the Dupain-Chengs with Mari, Alya, and Nino in three days.

He had to admit he was surprised his father let him go. Of course, Adrien was sure it was only because he wouldn't be there himself and didn't want to sound hypocritical by forcing his son to celebrate in an empty mansion.

But whatever the case, he was going!

He and Mari were getting ready to tell their friends and family about their relationship, probably in early January, and confess that they had been together for over eight months without anyone knowing.

They decided to tell the others that the reason they waited so long to tell them was due to an internship.

Now, this was obviously not the entire truth, but it wasn't a complete lie either.

One of the many internships his girlfriend had applied for earlier this year was one with Gabriel Agreste himself, one that she was accepted into just last week.

They would explain that they didn't want their relationship to impact his father's decision and didn't want anyone else to think she was with Adrien for the wrong reasons.

Given her integrity, they were sure their classmates would consider this a plausible explanation. Mari always was one to work her way to the top, earning her accomplishments and not cheating her way through.

Despite this, though, Adrien was still nervous to tell his father. He didn't know how he would react, especially after just accepting Marinette into an amazing program. Luckily, he had always seemed to take a liking to the girl and constantly bragged and publicly prided her on her designing skills.

In other words, Adrien was beginning to think his father cared more about her career than his son's.

"Crap, it's almost six." He hissed after checking his phone.

The meet and greet tonight would be at a local children's hospital, featuring Ladybug and Chat Noir. The couple would be reading holiday picture books, signing autographs, handing out gifts, and taking pictures with the kids in attendance.

He grabbed a Santa hat before calling on his transformation, making his way towards the hospital.

However, over the rooftops he was met by a familiar face.

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