21) Costumes

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Adrien's POV
It had been over a week since the pun war, and by then Mari and Adrien had toned it down.

Though the entire class knew they were closer than ever, they had scaled down on the constant flirting and inside jokes, mimicking their relationship before the reveal.

But right now, secret identities weren't on the top of their minds.

"Adrien! What am I going to do?! The dance is in three days, and I still haven't started on Max, Juleka, or Nino's costumes! Not to mention ours! Maybe I should use the rabbit miraculous-"

"Sorry m'lady, but we aren't using time travel for costumes."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Actually I do." Her boyfriend smirked. "Kwami switch."

"What? Are you serious? We've don't that before, what if someone recognizes Mr. Bug and Lady Noir?"

"That was over three years ago. We were 14... now we're 17. No one will notice. You can just claim you made them, and no one will ever know. Plus you'll have two less costumes to worry about."

"I can't believe I'm considering this." She sighed.

Adrien turned around in Marinette's swivel chair to face her and the kwamis.

"Ready Tikki?" He asked.

"Adrien, I'm not sure if it's a great idea..."

"Relax sugar cube. I haven't had some quality time with pigtails in awhile now."

"You do realized I switched to a ponytail last year, right Plagg?"

"Tomato tomata. Point is, we can have some bonding time! The four of us are like a family. A little, disgusting, magical, sappy family, but a family all the same. I can talk to pi- excuse me, ponytail about my cheese selections in the mini fridge-" he gestured towards the small fridge in the corner of the room stocked with cheese, pastries, and cookies. "And you can talk to my kid here about whatever it is girls talk about." He concluded.

"I'm not a girl!" Adrien retorted.

"Could've fooled me."

"Fine!" Mari finally concluded. "Kwami switch it is. In the meantime, I need your guys help with these costumes."

"You do that. I'll be enjoying a nice wheel of camembert."

"Not so fast Plagg. What was that you were saying about family? Anyways, you're stuck with us. Do you want to stitch or iron?"

"Crap. Watch out for that one kid, she's good."

"Oh, I know," he looked at his girlfriend and smirked.

"I know."
- • - • - • - • - • -
Marinette's POV
"Marinette! That looks amazing!" Alya gushed as she stepped into the gym.

"It's so life like... and those contacts... wow..."

"Thanks, I was pretty proud of this one." She covered.

Alya looked around the gym, noticing the dozens of students. Many of their classmates though, wore Marinette original costumes.

"How did you make so many girl?"

"Many sleepless nights."

"Did you have any help?"

"Actually... I did." She had to stop herself from laughing as she though back to the previous night, another evening with assistance from her boyfriend and the kwamis.

She needed a second mannequin and was rushing to finish before tonight's party, leaving Adrien showing off Rose's Princess Peach dress.

It's amazing how well it suited him. It was obviously a bit tight and short around the seams, but the hoard of Velcro and elastics put into the dress made him look like a very pretty princess.

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