7) Heroes

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Adrien's POV
The rest of the night and most of the following morning, all Adrien could do was think about the kiss.

Why did I do that?

"Plagg... why did I enjoy that? And why did I have to betray m'lady?" He whined, guiltily remembering how good it felt to have Marinette so close to him.

"First of all kid, you aren't betraying Ladybug. If I remember correctly, she's the one who's rejected you for the last three years."

"Thanks for the reminder." Adrien mumbled, his face stuffed against his pillow.

"And second, you enjoyed it because you care about her."

"But I love Ladybug."

"Well too bad. Seems like she's not the only cheese in your pantry."

"What?" Adrien questioned, lifting his head from the pillow, slowly forcing himself to get up.

"Well, just because I say camembert is my favorite, it doesn't mean that I can't indulge on the occasional limburger or stilton. I can't control my taste buds... the stomach does what the the stomach wants... and it seems like you're having a similar issue. You can't control your feelings-"

"And my heart wants what my heart wants." He groaned, finally understanding where Plagg was going with this train of thought.

"Bingo, kid, I think you're falling for her."

"But I-"

"Don't you dare say you 'only love Ladybug' or 'she's just a friend'. You know you're only kidding yourself."

"What am I supposed to do?" He sighed, "and who am I supposed to choose?"

"I don't know." The kwami admitted. "That's all up to you."
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
During his morning run and walk to school, Adrien couldn't help but think about Plagg's advice.

But she's my best friend. He thought as he entered the classroom. She's like a sister to me.

But the moment Marinette stepped through the door, he realized what was wrong with his analysis.

A sister that I really want kiss.

Facts and reality continued to battle in his mind, his heart and brain charging at each other. And by the look on Mari's face, he would assume she was doing the same.

It wasn't until he forced himself to take a breath that he noticed the rest of his class' discussion. Or, debate, might be a better word.

"Chat Noir is a side kick." Sabrina explained. "All he does is get in Ladybug's way and distract her."

Ouch. That one hurt.

"Are you kidding?" Alya fought, "she needs him!"

"Face it, Alya." Chloe interjected, "you're only sticking up for him because you want them to be a couple. He would be useless without Ladybug."

He noticed Marinette in front of him, quickly brushing her fingers over her lips. Anyone else would've considered it a reflex or a trick of the mind, but Adrien knew better.

"Chat Noir is just as important as Ladybug." Marinette finally added, earning glances from the rest of the class. Chloe scoffed until she stood up and joined the group in the back of the room.

"In case you haven't noticed, Ladybug and Chat Noir are like yin and yang. Two halves of a whole. Creation and destruction. Without life, creation, and order, everything would cease to exist. And without death, destruction, and chaos, the world would be overrun. All things created are meant to be destroyed, and the fact that you're even suggesting that one can survive without the other is absolute idiocy."

She froze, examining her classmates stunned faces, before continuing.

"And even without taking their powers, abilities, or purposes into account, the boy under that mask is brave and strong. He's sacrificed himself time after time for Ladybug, always putting her and the needs of Paris before his own. Ladybug would be dead, several times over, if it weren't for Chat. Not to mention the way he takes care of victims and frightened citizens... he's always there for them in a way his partner could never be. He makes her smile despite how much he's breaking inside, and never gives up even as she constantly pushes him to the side. So don't you dare say he's not good enough, that she doesn't need him. Chat Noir is more of a hero than you'll ever be, Queen Bee," by this point, Chloe looked as if she was ready to kill Marinette. Meanwhile, Adrien just wanted to pull her into a hug and never let go.

She softly added to her rant, "and he's more of a hero than Ladybug could ever hope to be." By now, she had directed her gaze back up to their classmates, a pure look of disgust apparent on her features. "He's Paris's hero, and he's my hero. And by the way, he's not a sidekick." And with that she walked back to her seat, looking straight ahead and paying no mind to the dumbfounded students in the back of the room.

Adrien tried to suppress his grin. This is why I love her. He thought back over his sentence again, analyzing each word, trying to make an excuse to why that exact message ran through his mind. But he didn't have one, it was all true. He loved her. Adrien Agreste was falling, and falling hard, for Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"Sounds like somebody has a crush." Chloe scoffed, breaking Adrien's train of thought.

Mari slowly turned her head around, facing Chloe and the rest of the class. "So what? Maybe I do. But you're sure one to talk little miss 'Adrikins'."

"Hmph. You and that mangey alley cat are perfect for each other."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She gave a smirk worthy of Chat Noir himself in reply, turning back around just as the bell rang.

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