13) Disguises

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Marinette's POV
"I can't believe we're actually doing this."

Marinette's parents were out of town for a baking convention all week, so she and Chat simply walked out the door of the bakery. Of course she was nervous that his identity would slip out, but he made a habit of keeping his head down and face covered.

"You better believe it." She couldn't see his expression, but she was sure he was grinning as he slipped his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the streets of Paris. There was still a good amount of foot traffic, but the amount of tourists was slowly dying down at this time of night.

"So where to first, kitty?"

"Well... I know this sounds cliche... but what do you say to dinner and a movie?"

"It sounds perfect."

"You mean-"

"Nope. I meant what I said. No pun. Punless."

"But you just wasted a pawsome opportunity!"

"Glad to see you haven't changed without the mask." She laughed, leaning closer against him. "Let's go check out that movie."

The teenagers blended into the crowd, making their way to the cinema. They quickly bought slushees, overpriced theater candy, and more popcorn than they would probably be able to eat before taking their seats in front of the screen.

"Wow, it's packed!" The blond mumbled.

"That's because this new Ladybug and Chat Noir movie is supposed to be really popular."

"Why are we watching this one, exactly?"

"So we can criticize it and make fun of an over dramatic relationship between you and Ladybug while pointing out every mistake they make?" She offered.

"Oh... so it's like watching the Percy Jackson movies!"

"Exactly!" She beamed.

"I think I'll enjoy this." He smirked.
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
Adrien's POV
The movie went exactly as expected.

The pg-13 adaptation of the heroes focused on the bond between them and was more of a romance than an action film.

One scene was a full make out number, which was quite traumatizing for both teenagers, but it almost left them in tears.

Not the sad, touchy feely kind of tears. Oh no... these were the "I'm laughing my ass off and I'm scared management with throw us out" kind of tears.

"Oh Chat-" The Ladybug on the screen moaned.

"Oh Chat-" Marinette mimicked into her boyfriend's ear. He was doing everything in his power to not break out laughing in the middle of the packed cinema, but he was doing a horrible job at it.

"M'lady," the older adaptation of Chat Noir softly replied, caressing her cheek, "do you see that city? No matter how bright the lights of Paris, no... the stars, shine, they'll never compare to you." He kissed a line down her neck before finding the zipper on her costume.

"What?" Real Chat questioned. "Since when do these things have zippers?"

She laughed, getting some dirty glances from people around her. They continued watching the movie, getting complaints and shushes from many movie goers as they did their best not to cause a scene. It didn't work.

"That was great, good choice Mari, I really needed a laugh." He wheezed as they exited the theater.

"No problem, that was hilarious. Who knew it was possible to get so much wrong in an hour and twenty three minutes?"

After that they debated where to go for dinner. Chat argued a fancy place, where he would be happy to pay, but his girlfriend had to remind him that two teenagers in street clothes paying euros upon euros for a meal at almost 10:30 at night might seem suspicious.

They settled on a 24 hour diner not far from her home.

"This is nice." She admitted, leaning against the hero in the booth.

"Yeah, it is." He purred.

"Wait... was that what I thought it was?"

"N-no." He stammered, his face getting pink.

"You're an actual cat! You purred! That noise you made... it was definitely a puur! Do it again!" She chirped, scratching his chin.

"M-Mari... not in public."

"Fine. But trust me, this conversation is not over."

They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, and exited the building hand in hand.

By now the streets of Paris were practically empty, the moon and Eiffel lighting the barren city at midnight.

Chat, of course, still kept his hood down and sunglasses high despite the lack of sun, and his girlfriend couldn't care less that all she had to do was look up to see who he really was.

No, he trusted her, and she didn't need to know his name to realize this was the boy she loved.

However, a seemingly perfect night can be destroyed in the most unusual ways at the most unexpected times.

Like tonight, for instance.

Who would of guessed that Lila Rossi had been so mad about her life that she had snuck out? Or that she noticed a young couple laughing across the street? Or how she recognized the girl and being as horrid and despicable as she was, decided to take pictures.

Who would have guessed that the date they took so many precautions to be able go on would turn into a butterfly effect.

Because the moment they thought they were free of their cages, someone decided to throw away the key.

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