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Hi! Author here!

So, I know no one's reading this because this story probably sucks and has crappy writing... but no matter! If you actually did make it this far, I would like to start out by thanking you. You may have noticed that this is the first and only A/N because I absolutely despise them, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading!

I've always been in love with the idea of Marichat being used to seal the love square before the reveal, and more specifically... I adore the idea of them having a platonic, best friend relationship before it becomes something romantic.

Obliviously, this wasn't a perfect interpretation of that idea, but I've been wanting to do a fanfic for a while revolving around it. Especially an incredibly cheesy and sappy one.

I'm really happy to announce that my quarantine project is finally complete (not that anyone actually cares) and despite all of its many, many faults, it was fun to write. Not to mention I got it done in almost two weeks! Whoo!

So once again, to the imaginary people who actually finished, thank you so much for putting up with my crappy writing and I hope you enjoyed!

I would love to hear any feedback or ideas, I'm definitely open to making minor changes in the future. I repeat... minor. I'm not going to go back and completely rework the plot.

Love ya all!
-Livy 😌

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