17) Names

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Marinette's POV
The blunette stared at Adrien in awe. A part of her had always imagined the reveal. Though she expected it to be more romantic and planned, the idea of Adrien and Chat being one in the same had been eating her alive. She blurted out that stupid homework question without thinking, but at least she had gotten the truth out of it.

Unfortunately, Chat had too, due to all of the many pieces finally falling together. Great. She had just screwed them both over.

Adrien must've been able to see the shock on her face as he said "m'lady", and in the heat of the moment he pulled her in for a kiss.


"Yes bugaboo?"

"Is this real? It feels like a dream..."

"It's real. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"But how is this possible? What are the chances-"

"Mari, the chances don't matter. The odds could be a million to one, or even more, and fate still would've pulled us towards each other. We were given these powers at this time for a reason. We're a perfect team. And... I love you."

It shouldn't have been so hard for him to say, or so difficult for Marinette to understand, but there was something different about those words coming out of Adrien's mouth. The words she had longed for years to hear him say, the words he told her all the time as his alter ego.

"I love you too," she pulled away from him, her breaths turning shallow and frequent, "but, um... I need some time to think about all of this, this is really sudden. Um, I'm going to go get some air, I'll be right back..."

The hurt on his face was painfully obvious, but all the memories and baggage that came with knowing their identities flooded in all at once. It was overwhelming.

"O-okay, I'll be in here... I guess..."

She quickly climbed up to her balcony without looking back, her eyes cast over the city.

All along, it had been him. So many emotions were fighting for control: absolute adoration that she had found a boy so amazing and perfect, anger that he had ignored her for so long just to make her fall for him in a different costume, stupidity for not piecing it together sooner, fear of something happening to him in a fight or battle, and even love.

The latter seemed to be winning.

She glanced through the window to see him deep in thought as well on her bed, as she smiled at the thoughts that followed.

Knowing each other's identities, they could have a future. A real future. She could imagine the kids, the house, the hamster, everything she had dreamed of since she was a little girl.

For once in her life, it all seemed so clear. Whether it was fate, destiny, or even magic, she knew he was right. They were given their miraculous' for a reason. They were meant to stand side by side, two halves of a whole. Being around either side of him, she had felt complete, and now she knew why.

The two identities were slowly merging into one. Looking back, she could see aspects of the perfect model and flirty hero in everything he did. She no longer had to fight herself over who she loved more, because now there was only one answer...

Adrien Agreste. Hero of Paris, her friend, her lover, and most importantly her partner.

And with a smile on her face, and tears of pure joy and peace threatening to roll down her cheek, she made her way back towards his side.

Right where she belonged.
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
Adrien's POV
Though he had appeared more calm about the recent events than his girlfriend, Adrien was internally freaking out.

It was her... it was always her.

He wasn't sure how he hadn't figured it out sooner, in hindsight it was painfully obvious by all the little details that should have been dead giveaways.

The light freckles on her nose that you could barely see, the way her face lit up when she had an idea, or even the way she fumbled with her hair when she was nervous.

The things he had prided himself for noticing, for picking up on, should of led him straight to her identity.

Of course, the larger, more obvious features, should have done it as well. Her one of a kind bluebell eyes, her midnight hair, her bright smile, and her confidence and virtue.

His train of thought was cut off by a soft voice.


"Hey." He smiled, looking behind him to see his girl. She returned it with a shy smile, obviously still a bit overwhelmed like him, which was quite understandable given the circumstances.

"So, you're my kitty, huh?" He nodded, his wide grin turning into a smirk.

"And you're my bugaboo."

"Don't call me that."

"C'mon! You're my girlfriend! I'm allowed to use pet names!"

"Oh, so princess, m'lady, buginette, and Mari aren't enough?"

"Nope. Bugaboo is a necessary addition to the list."

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes. It was obvious they were trying to act like nothing had happened, the elephant in the room threatening to step on them if they said one wrong word. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Marinette finally spoke up.

"Does this change anything?" She asked in a small voice, her fear apparent.

Adrien was wondering the same things himself, scared of the consequences that could follow if things went wrong.

"Do you want it to?"

"No." She replied.

"Me neither."

"I know there's no way that things won't be different, but I don't want to lose you." She admitted. He chuckled.

"You couldn't get me to leave if you tried."

"Good." She checked the clock, noticing that it was almost midnight. "Come on!"


"What? Are you a scaredy cat? Come on!" She beckoned him over as she climbed up to the balcony, and he was right on her heels.

"Spots on." Adrien watched in awe as his girlfriend transformed into her alter ego, a bright pink light washing over her. He followed suite.

"Claws out."

They both froze for a second, both trying to register the transformations. The familiarity of it overshadowed by how odd it was to see the other and know who was behind the costume.

"Follow me." She eventually broke the silence, a smile washing over her face. Chat grinned as they took off over the rooftops, right behind her.

And all of a sudden, the awkwardness of the situation and the confusion that followed washed away. This was familiar. It felt like a patrol where they rushed around the city, surrounded by the beautiful lights and his partner by his side.

He watched his lady, smiling and laughing, also appearing free of the confines the tension had created.

Free. That was the right word.

They finally knew the truth. They could finally see past the costumes and the masks. They could finally be together and imagine the future that awaited them.

They were finally free.

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