20) Puns

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Marinette's POV
"Girl! Have you seen it? It's on the news, the Ladyblog... and it's all over the world!"

"Slow down Alya, what are you talking about?"

First period had just ended, and all the dolls had been returned. Now that the project was over the senior class had other things to focus on... specifically the confirmed relationship between Ladybug and Chat Noir announced this morning.

"Ladynoir! It's canon! My ship has sailed! Now all I have to do is get you and Adrien together..."

"Alya, he has a girlfriend. I'm not going to get in the way of that. I told you, I'm over him. Besides, I have a boyfriend too. One that I really like."

"That blush on your face says differently, but I promise you, the fight for sunshine boy's heart isn't over yet! Also, I still can't believe that you haven't told me who this mystery boo is!"

"Sorry Als. Trust me, I'll tell you eventually. We just need more time."

She sighed.

"I trust you girl, that's why I'm not trying to push you about this. But you know you can always talk to me, alright?"

"Of course Alya. I know."

"Dudettes... what's up?" The boys walked towards Mari and Alya's side.

"Not much, you know. Just... Ladynoir being official!"

"Are you serious babe?"

"Yes! I was there this morning. It's going to be all over the news. Look at this video I took of them making out!"

Mari looked at her boyfriend who was blushing just as hard as her, and gave him a slight shrug as she tried to repress a giggle.

Alya pulled up the video and hit play.

"Are you okay? Hurt? Did she-" the Ladybug on the screen began, fear brimming her features. Chat leaned in and kissed her, rough and passionately before backing up. It continued like this for a while, an admittedly sappy exchange with lots of kissing, until the two went to check on the victim. When they backed up, dozens of reporters were yelling out questions, Alya included, until Chat confirmed they were indeed dating.

Of course, Marinette didn't need a video to know that this is what happened.

"Wow." Nino was dumbfounded as the video ended. "I can't believe it. After all these years... this is awesome!"

"Yeah!" Adrien exclaimed, his eyes locked on hers. "They're purrfect for each other."

"Did Agreste just pun?!"

"Trust me," Mari rolled her eyes as she playfully pushed Adrien. "It's not that uncommon.

"C'mon purrincess, there's no way they actually bug you. They're purractically clawless and meowvelously purrnounced. They are litteraly the cat's meow and I'm pawsitive that deep inside your heart, you cat argue. Face it, you're a sucker for my tailent reclawding my pawtastically puurfect puns." He smirked.

Oh that little...

She glared at him as if to remind him they were in public, but the playful gleam in his eyes seemed like a challenge. And Ladybug could never back down from a challenge.

"Pawlease. Maybe I do apurriciate your catural talents. But furgive me if I can't pawssibly put up with your unfurtunate sense of humor." He rolled his eyes and laughed in response.

"What happening?" Alya asked her boyfriend, their best friends having a full out pun battle.

"Well, I guess getting cooped up together all week for the project might've... made a difference?"

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