19) Projects

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Adrien's POV
"Do you have Emma?"

"Yes m'lady."

"The bottle?"







"Princess, I have everything. Don't worry. I'll see you at school in a few minutes? Okay? And I promise the doll won't explode on the way. I love you."

"Love you too." She sighed before hanging the phone up.

Today was the final day of the baby project. The dolls had been sent home last Monday, and seven days later they were being returned to the school. Sensors in each of the babies recorded how often and how long they cried, and the overall result would determine their grade.

Adrien had to admit, he and Mari had this kid thing down. He couldn't help but hope they might have a real one eventually.

Until then, he would focus on getting the grade.

On his walk to school, he passed dozens of other kids with dolls in their hands, many of which appeared to lack sleep. Every public school in the city had participated in the project, so all week the citizens of Paris had been covering their ears as teenagers with crying dolls passed by.

He wouldn't say it out loud, but Adrien was actually going to miss the doll. Emma has been the newest edition to her mommy and daddy's late night visits, and the stress of the project had taken away some of the awkwardness of the recent reveal.

"Come on Em, don't cry now..." he whined as they passed through the city. He looked at the doll sitting in the baby carrier wrapped around his chest. "We're almost there... just please don't-" he was cut off by screams and hoards of citizens running in his direction.

"Crap. I guess it's bring your daughter to work day."
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Ladybug's POV
The moment she heard the commotion, Marinette took a detour from school and transformed in an alleyway.

The villain seemed to be zapping aimlessly, each victim falling in a coma like trance.

"I'm Sleeping Beauty," she announced, "no one will ever break my heart again!"

"Well, she doesn't get many points for originality." A familiar voice smirked.

"Chat-" she froze as she turned around to face her boyfriend, Emma and her baby carrier sitting on top of his black suit.

"Couldn't you find a babysitter or something?" She giggled as he gave her an unamused look.

"It was kinda short notice."

"Point taken. I think the akuma is in her necklace, the crown one."

"Got it. What's her problem?"

"Best I can gather, she got dumped. It seems like I'm not the only one with 'princess' as a nickname, and she took hers a little too seriously."

He nodded before a smile grew over his features.

"You know, m'lady... this is our first akuma without the secret identities."

He was right. She hadn't thought about it before, but he was right. She couldn't help but wonder how it would affect their fighting, but now wasn't the time to ponder all the possibilities.

"Then let's do this. Together."

"Partners." He agreed. She knew this was supposed to be a comforting heart to heart before leaping into battle, but it was hard to take him seriously with Emma strapped to his chest.

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