30) Legacies

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Marinette's POV
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you will always be my partner. I love you."

Marinette was sure Adrien had thought she was asleep, but he assumed incorrectly. She heard every word.

As he leaned his head into her neck she smiled, tears forming in her eyes.

Of course, she had had the same questions as her boyfriend. How could anyone be so lucky?

Even Ladybug never would have expected the last year to play out the way it did, each night a stepping stone leading them to today.

The mugging, the kiss, the confession, patrol, school, dates, the reveal, and all the little moments in between.

This boy, the boy she had turned down countless times only to be pursuing his alter ego, this boy who had been her best friend, this boy who had spent every night near her and being her constant, he had become the man she couldn't live without. The man she couldn't imagine a future that he wasn't apart of.

Sometimes, with the job, the stress, and all the things going on in her life, Marinette almost forgot she was 17.

Almost 18.

Almost done with high school.

Almost an adult.

Almost done with a huge chapter in her life.

And just as Adrien had told her only minutes before, it was only one of many chapters to come.

And whatever came next, they would make it through together.

"I love you too." She replied, earning a startled jolt from her boyfriend.

She leaned in closer, and he did the same, apparently realizing she had heard every word he had said.

Whether as Ladybug and Chat Noir, Marinette and Adrien Agreste, they were made for each other.

There was no denying it.

And whether as Ladybug and Chat Noir, Marinette and Adrien Agreste, they had a legacy.

Together as heroes, they had done so much for their city.

As friends, they had impacted so many classmates lives.

And as lovers, they would have a new legacy. They could start a family. They could finally have the happily ever after that they deserved.

But no matter the title, the name, or the label, one thing would never change.

They were partners.

Always and forever .

And now, they could start writing that legacy, because they finally knew the truth.

All the secrets had been uncovered and all the pain was finally gone.

The conflict and longing was solved and they could have everything they ever dreamed of and more.

Because this truth, and everything that came with it, set them free.

And the possibilities were miraculous.

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