29) Stories

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Adrien's POV
Life was perfect.

Despite his cold, nonexistent father and the threat Hawkmoth posed to the citizens of Paris, life for Adrien Agreste was perfect.

A year ago, he never would've imagined himself falling for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And six months ago, he never would've guessed the two girls he loved were one in the same.

Even though the truth had been out for a couple of months, it still felt like a dream.

In what universe could a symbol of destruction be so lucky? What were the odds that things would play out the way they did, or that out of all the people in the world, they would find each other.

By now, Adrien strongly believed it wasn't just chance. He hated to say destiny or fate, because it sounded cheesy and he wasn't even sure if he believed in a God or some other force guiding his life, but he was willing to make an exception for this.





Two halves of a whole, yin and yang, always meant to find their way back to each other.

"Thank you," Adrien was curled up with Marinette on her bed, the two of them simply cuddling. He decided to stay the night, but by now she had fallen asleep.

Her porcelain skin, beautiful blue hair, and soft touch made him even more sure. There's no way he could ever be this lucky.

"Thank you," he whispered again, "for everything. For the ring, the opportunities, for her." He wasn't sure who or what exactly he was talking to, or if the message was even being received, but he didn't care.

If something, someone, was listening, Adrien would happily sit there and thank them a hundred times over. If not, then the whispers wouldn't even matter.

Adrien looked once more to his side, twirling his sleeping girlfriend's hair with a finger, and caressing her cheek with the other hand.

The cool winter air and full moon made the room feel alive, and the light made her look even more radiant.

"You have no idea how lucky I am to have you, m'lady," he kept his voice down to avoid waking her as he smiled with pure adoration.

"Every time I felt like breaking apart, you were there for me. In costume and without. The world sees us as heroes, some power couple. But do you know what I see? I see you, and I see me. Two teenagers trying to figure out what the future has in store and learning how to get through life. I see a home, I see kids, I see a family... and I see the girl who has loved me and stood by me through everything."

He chuckled before continuing.

"I'll never forget the first time I saw you as Ladybug, when I told myself I was in love. I had no idea just how much I meant it. With or without the mask, whether we win or lose, I'm never letting you go. Remember how you always turned me down? I would always joke with you about how you would swoon if you saw me behind the mask, I'm glad I was right. I'm also glad you loved me for the right reasons. To you, I'm not some model or some superhero, I'm your partner. And no matter what happens against Hawkmoth, against time, against the world, I know we'll get through it. We're miraculous, simply the best. You're mine and I'm yours. This is our story, princess. A story that we're still writing. Chapters will come and go, pages will constantly flip. We'll struggle, but we'll get out together. And most importantly, like I promised you the day you told me how you felt, we'll get our happily ever after."

He gave her a light kiss on her forehead.

"We will get that happily ever after. We'll get the future we've dreamed of. We'll get out together. No matter what happens next in our story, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you will always be my partner. I love you."

And with that, he snuggled in closer and drifted off to sleep.
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Nobody's POV
What Adrien didn't realize, though, was that things wouldn't always be this perfect. In a matter of months, Hawkmoth would be defeated and the teenager would suffer the consequences both good and bad.

He would be forced into a position that no one should have to live through, and the only way he would survive it was with his lady by his side.

He would see the worst in his family, and would have to remember his real family. The people who wouldn't hurt others for their benefit, who wouldn't hurt him for their benefit.

But Hawkmoth wasn't done yet. There was still time. Adrien Agreste could sleep soundly tonight knowing that he was right where he belonged, and that very thought is what would get him through an uncertain future.

Of course, though, that would all be a story for another time.

Right now he could stay in the arms of someone who loves him and remind himself to never let him go.

Because he was right.

The miraculous', the identities, having her, it wasn't just chance.

They were meant for each other.

And their story was far from over.

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