6) Kisses

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Marinette's POV
"Marinette!" She heard a voice call from down the stairs.

"Are you awake? Alya's here."

"Yeah Maman," I yawned. "I'm coming-"

She froze as she felt what was under her hand. It felt like- hair. Of course. The stupid cat slept in.

"Girl! You won't believe this!" Marinette heard Alya making her way up the stairs.

"Chat... Chat!" She whisper yelled, forcing the superhero up.

"What?" He mumbled, still half asleep.

"Alya... hide!"

The moment he registered the message, the teenager jumped down, quickly finding a spot in the closet.

The moment he closed the door, another one opened.

"Marinette! Guess what Nino got me!"

"What?" She questioned, watching her friend spin around in excitement.

Alya eagerly pulled out a necklace placed around her neck as she grinned.

"You've heard of a promise ring, right?"


"Well, let's call this a promise locket."

Marinette's face lit up in excitement as she opened the locket.

"Alya! This is beautiful! Is that picture from-"

"Our two year anniversary." She answered, beaming at the gift.

Marinette wrapped her arms around her best friend before noticing the clock ticking across the room.

"Oh my gosh, Alya. I have to get dressed... I'm going to be late!"

"No problem, girl. While you get ready, why don't I help you choose an outfit?" The brunette made her way towards the closet, placing her hand on the handel.



"Sorry, it's just... I already picked out what I was going to wear last night. It's almost like the closet will just hand it to me when I open the door. Don't worry! Give me five minutes, and I'll meet you downstairs."

"Okay girl, suit yourself." And with that she made her way down towards the bakery.

The moment she left, the blond boy stepped out of the closet with a few hangars in hand.

"I was thinking the jeans... they might be cute with this shirt, and I really liked those flats you had out! It would accent it all nicely-"

"Thanks!" The bluenette yelled, grabbing the hangars from Chat's hands as she slid into the bathroom.

"Won't your parents be worried, kitty?" She asked from behind the door, hurriedly pulling on the outfit her partner had arranged.

"I've actually been leaving the house pretty early lately. You know, going on a run before school. They won't suspect a thing."

"Good. I'll see you tonight?" She asked as she exited the bathroom.

"See you tonight, Mari." He smiled as he climbed up the bed, examining her outfit. "Not too shabby, if I say so myself." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah, great job. Bye."

And with that he was out the window.
- • - • - • - • - • - • -
"Lookin cute, girl!" Alya commented as the girls began their walk to school.

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