The Girl

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Mackenzie POV

Where was I? I had just woken up and I didn't know where I was. Was this some joke someone was playing on me? What even was my name? I didn't know, I slowly got up off a bed slowly making a 360 turn around the room but stopping instantly as I saw a girl laying still in a hospital bed in front of me, she looked pale and...and...dead. I think she was dead, I walked closer to her bed side and looked at her and suddenly gasped in shock as I realized the girl was me. I backed away quickly towards the wall behind me and surprisingly, I went through it.

"Hi!" A cheerful voice shouted causing me to spin around quickly to see who was there, it was a little girl. She couldn't have been older than 9 years old, she had long blonde curly hair and was wearing a unicorn jumper and rainbow leggings.

"Wh-where am I?" I asked not knowing what was happening.

"You're in the in between." She said and sighed heavily.

"Follow me, I'll explain." She said and intertwined her fingers in mine and pulled me through the door in the room we were currently in.

"This." She said motioning her hand towards 4 boys. "Is your family." She said and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Four boys?" I questioned shocked.

"Four boys who love you very much." She said and let go of my hand, I walked slowly towards the one with red hair.

"Why does he look like me?" I asked and touched his cheek, but my hand went through him and he flinched. 

"DUDE WHO JUST TOUCHED MY CHEEK!" He shouted and looked at the boy next to him with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR!" the blonde haired boy shouted and wiped tears from his eyes.

"ASHTON AND CAL ARE IN THE LUNCH ROOM SO IT HAD TO BE YOU!" The boy with the red hair shouted.

"I SWEAR!" The blue eyed shouted trying to make the red head believe him.

"WHO DID IT THAN THE GHOST OF MY SISTER!" He shouted sarcastically and I looked at the little girl behind me, catching on to what was going on.

"H-hes my brother?" I questioned stuttering.

"Yes, he is." Was all the girl replied and walked towards me.

"Give my your hand, if I can give you enough energy you can let them know you are okay, for now." She said and I ignored the last part and took her hand hoping this would work.

"Hurry he can hear you, but I can't hold this for long!" the young girl shouted and I shook my head. 

"It's me your sister, I don't remember you but I need you to trust me I'm alright for now... I'll see you soon big brother bye." I said and the girl let go of my hand and looked at me.

"You have a choice." She said sternly and looked me in the eyes. 

"Life, or death." You chose. She said and I knew I didn't want to die, there were to many things to experience but I had a few questions.

"What will happen to you?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"I'll stay here, offering others life until I disappear." She said and smiled looking up to the sky.

"So you're slowly giving your life away to people you don't know?" I asked.

"It was my choice." She said and took both of my hands.

"And you're going to make the wrong one to allow me to live and I cannot live with that burden." She said and closed her eyes.

"Don't do this you deserve to live!" I pleaded and she smiled again.

"But you have a family to get back to!" She said and squeezed my hands. That's all I remembered before I blacked out.

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