What i didnt see before

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TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Self harm is a very serious problem so if anyone needs to talk just know I'm here for you😊

Mackenzie POV

I was finally awake for real this time and I needed to see the boy with the red hair, I didn't know his name but I knew I loved him. not love love but brother sister love, because that is what he is....my brother.

"Oh my god you're awake!" A nurse shouted looking at me with joy. I remembered her, her name is Amelia and she would whisper things to me well I was...asleep. She would tell me "I wanted to wake up" and that "you are strong baby girl" and a lot of other things.

"Amelia?" I croaked out, my throat was dry, so I could barley speak.

"The boy with the red hair, please get him in here." I said through a coughing fit and she shook her head and scurried off to get him.

Michael POV

"I SWEAR SHE SAID IT!" I shouted to cal, Luke and ash.

"Maybe we should get you checked out well we are here too ma-" Calum was saying but got cut off by a nurse around her 30's walking towards us, she had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes like Mackenzie's.....

"She wants to see you." The nurse said pointing to me and I sighed, knowing she wouldn't remember me.

"When will she remember?" I asked bluntly as we began walking towards her hospital room.

"About a week sir." The nurse responded and let me inside of her room. I walked towards her as she laid in bed she turned her head to me and weak smile formed on her lips as she blinked slowly.

"Michael." She whispered as tears began to well up in her eyes and the same happened to me, she remembered my name.

"I can breath again." She whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I know baby sis I know." I said and walked over to Mackenzie hand hugged her carefully. i began to notice things about her I hadn't before, she was much thinner than when she got here, had she been eating? And her wrists were scared, had she been cutting? Her eyes were sad when she saw I had noticed.

"Not now please not now." She begged and I nodded my head.

"What do you remember?" I asked sitting the chair next to her bed.

"Someone used to call me penguin, who called me penguin Michael?" And before I could say anything she shut her eyes tightly and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Luke, his name is Luke...and I'm in love with him. But I-" she cut herself off.

"You what?" I asked cautiously.

"I have to let him go, because I only cause him pain." She informed me as she quietly sobbed.

"Don't let him go, he'd be broken without you and you'd be broken without him." I cooed as i stroked her hair.

"Im tired Mikey." She yawned and i panicked.

"You'll forget Luke if you fall asleep please stay awake." I begged.

"the nurse said I would need sleep, the nurse said I would remember everything by Christmas Eve." She yawned and fell asleep just like that.

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