Lots of tears

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I freaked out, how much of this was a dream? I started shaking crying.

"MICHAEL!!! MICHAEL!!!" I screamed through sobs hoping praying he would come, he had to be real he had to be! I kept screaming his name over and over and then I stopped and cried harder, letting realization sit in...Michael wasn't my brother. I shut my eyes tighter than they already where and I thought. Luke? who was he? god I didn't know anymore but I kept crying and crying until I heard a scream. 

"SHE NEEDS ME LET ME IN!!" it sounded like Michael, but it was probably just my mind playing more tricks on me.

"Fine sir just calm her down." A woman's voice spoke softly and the door opened, I shut my eyes even harder and continued crying.

"Hey, hey I'm right here love." The voice cooed into my ear but I just turned my face away from the persons still not knowing who was there.

"Please Mackenzie, look at me." the voice begged, i knew it was a boy by now but who? I wondered. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head to see the boy who was beside me.

"MICHAEL!" I shouted and cried even harder as I hugged him.

"Shh, what happened?" He asked as he stroked my hair.

"I-i had a dream wh-where there was this boy named L-Luke, and I woke up and I didn't know how much of it was a dream and i thought i lost you!" I sobbed out and he pulled me tighter against his chest.

"You'll never lose me." He whispered and I calmed down even more than i already had.

"Michael, who is Calum?" I asked suddenly and he looked at me oddly. But I continued asking questions .

"Who's Asthon?" 


'Where are they?"

"What happened to me?"


"Don't answer any of those, but when do I get to go home?" I finished and he looked confused.

"Soon." was all he said and I shook my head, today was gonna be a long day.

Michael Cliffords SisterWhere stories live. Discover now