Chapter 1

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"Maa I'm going to be alright you don't have to worry so much"
I'm the first person from my whole family who is going to foreign but for studies almost every person from my family has came to say me goodbye and my mom and sisters are crying like they are not going to see me again albeit they always kinda hated me hahah..kidding I've never been on my own and away from them and I'm gonna miss them "okay you are going to be late let's keep going " my dad looks at me for five seconds and then kisses my forehead and says the words I've always wanted to hear or any Indian girl would do anything to hear those words from her parents and he finally says"I'm proud of you " his eyes filled with tears and I give him a long hug " I'm gonna make you more proud" I turn to my sisters "Come here give me a sister hug" all my four sisters come and gave me a hug "oh my god I don't know why I'm saying this but , I love you didi"
I give her a weird look because she never said those words tho I knew she loves me but I didn't expected her to ever say me I love you like all crying and sobbing and making my whole jacket wet by her tears
"I love you too my lovelies" and she again opens her mouth to say something but this time in my ear "please don't return to us without a hot boyfriend and please try to be no more virgin this time" we laugh so hard that my mom starts questioning what are we laughing at and she comes towards me and says "be safe and don't do anything stupid because you know we can't come there and last thing don't turn us down we love you"
That sounds more like a warning right obviously a girl and more upon that a Indian girl going to new York isn't just a normal thing for any Indian family. One last time I look at all of them with tears in my eyes but I was happy I'm going to live my dream which I always wanted to since I was a kid not every dream comes true but mine was going to and I was very happy

New York is a city that reminds me of my city Mumbai a city with dreams and dreamers like me so here I am in my dream city just a bit away from my dream life just like the way I planned it,
sometimes things don't go the way we plan some unexpected things happen and you can't do anything about it, like it happened to me. Bryan miller is the name of my unexpected thing and the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life brown eyes with golden spots in it dark black hair, body like he's been training himself since he knew how to pick dumbles perfect jawline fine enough to cut steel, firm chin with perfect cheekbones and his lovely dimple on one cheek he's like a walking god with a job of making girls fall for him came to my life to ruin my planned dream or you can say was added to my dream list like I said few dreams come true and deep down I know this is not that one

"Hey, I am Anaya and I have a room in this house" the women stares at me like I'm some kind of alien and was few steps away to report me to NASA
"oh yes darling I'm liz and this is my house I've been informed about you. Come in, your room is upstairs on the right side and this is key of this house I was just here to give this to you and two more girls live here they'll be here in sometime" I just took the key and nod my head and was heading towards upstairs and she clears her mouth to say"I'm sorry for starting at you, it's just you are a very beautiful Indian girl"
I didn't expected her to say that but I was very beguiled and then she finally leaves. I'm really thankful that my dad let me live in a house with students and not a girls dorm or hostel because there we can't cook our Indian meal. The house was quite pretty like I saw in movies with amazing furniture curtains kitchen and bathroom. I was just arranging my clothes and stuff and I heard a knock on the door there were two girls standing right in front of me one had blonde hair and the other had brown with same brown eye colour they were quite pretty I moved towards them and made a gesture "hey I'm Anaya Kaur I'm your new housemate"
They smiled at me and we shook hands the one with blonde hair said "hey I'm Isabella and she is amelia" pointing towards her. Amelia and I too shook hands
"hey, it's nice to meet you, do you need any help in unpacking your stuff"
" oh no no thank you for asking it's almost done"
Isabella moves out of my room and says
" let us know if you need any help we are right here" I move my head upside down and smile at them and they both leave my room.
They actually were very sweet this wasn't a bad start.

My alarm keeps blaring I shut it down and make my way towards the bathroom. Today is my first day in college I'm actually kinda nervous the same nervousness I had when it was my first day in school when I was three years old but this time I was not crying and not holding my mom tightly because she's right now not here and I'm an adult now.
I comb my brown long hair and I don't straighten them I like my wavy hair I've chosen to wear fitted blue jeans in which my ass looks quite big because it is and my jeans is ripped from thighs, a plain black sleeveless top which is also fitted and my black boots I join hands in front of lord Krishna " please Krishnaji I wish my first day in college goes really good and make sure I don't get ragged" as I make my way to downstairs I see Isabella and Amelia standing there waiting for me "How are you going to college" Amelia asked
"I'll take a bus or cab" I replied
"I have a car, you can come with us" she said

we finally leave the house as soon as I reach college I just look at both of them Isabella holds my hand "Don't worry it's going to be amazing" Amelia too hold my another hand and say "we are with you and we are going to rock it, these are going to be the best three years of your life" they are very supportive. I had three lectures with both of them and one with Isabella but in one lecture I had to survive on my own. I took my locker code from the incharge and was trying to open it but as you can tell I can't I was nervous and my hands weren't really cooperating and not to forget about time that doesn't stop for anyone I whisper to myself "ugh..what the hell" And suddenly i heard a voice from behind "Do you need any help?" And as you all must have guessed the sweet voice from the unexpected thing itself
"Bryan miller" and I acted just as stupid I can I didn't utter a word and just moved my head he took the code and that locker finally got open and so my mouth and heart but this time I did say a word and that was one of the six golden words "Thank you" he smiled at me and trust me I forgot my moms instruction, my plan just right there looking at those pink lips. And I smiled him back and just in a blink of eye he already started walking away from me and I was standing in between the hallway staring at a back but luckily with a sound of bell I was out of my dreamland I saw Amelia and Isabella waiting for me outside the classroom smiling at me like I'm going for a contest and they have trust in me that I'm going to win "I heard Bryan miller just helped you" I look at her "what is here some kind of wifi or you two were just spying at me while I was busy opening that stupid locker" Amelia touches my shoulder and says " no we were on our way towards you and we saw Bryan helping you, so we just asked" I nod my head and we three make our way into the class while they two were chirping like i won some kind of lottery. But that guy is not less than a lottery and not to forget way out of my league

As I sat in the class my nervousness was gone my hands were not sweating and I wasn't biting my nails at all I heard a knock on the door and the professor said "come in" and all the girls were all hyped up like they saw just Chris Evans but he wasn't chris Evans but not less than him I saw Bryan walking into the class and he sat right behind me suddenly a girl prompted "Bryan you can sit here if you want " he moves in his chair "No thank you I'm quite comfortable here" this guy is potent

Bryan's pov
It was a normal day until I met her. As I was making my way to meet my friends I saw a girl stepping out from a car in the parking she had this lovely long brown hair and beautiful grey eyes and damn she looked like a walking goddess her body was so pleasing I couldn't get my eyes off her. "Damn who's this new chick" I heard jack's voice I gave him a look "sorry I meant who is she?" I looked at her again "I don't know" we all were talking about our game which is after few days and I saw her long hair again she was doing something with her locker and then I realised she was trying to unlock it, she is new I guess "boys you can move on I'll catch up with you later" I made my way towards her "Do you need any help?" Damn she smelled so good like an exotic chocolate I unlocked her locker and I finally heard her voice "thank you" for a second my eyes we're locked on her lips I bet her lips were just like Priyanka Chopra but had a perfect shape. My phone started to buzz in my pocket and I moved away from her I didn't wanted to pick up Olivia's call she's beautiful but I just kind of don't like to stay with her my whole team is crazy about her but I don't know I'm not that crazy about her.
I was going to my literature class and I saw her sitting there all attentive and those grey eyes looked at me but I was quick I looked away immediately i was acting weird I was suppose to sit near Olivia but I sat beside her and my nostrils were filled with her smell again

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