Chapter 4

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"What am I suppose to wear it's already 6 o'clock I'll be late"
Isabella lifted a dress which was off white in colour it was a one piece I just want to wear something normal or casual so I choose to wear a red sleeveless top with a v shape neckline with black ripped jeans and wore a small heart shaped locket
I applied just a bit of gloss and blush like I do always
"You look beautiful, Steve is going to go crazy"
"I don't want to make him crazy" I exclaimed
"But he looks so good and most importantly he is so nice to you"
Yeah that was true he is nice to me but yet I was falling for the person who didn't even cared about me
"I'll try my best not to mess up this time"
Amelia hugs me from behind "I know"
"Okay I'll be back in sometime don't miss too much or else I'm gonna die by hiccups right in front of him"
Isabella laughs "we'll try our best"
On the way to playground I kept thinking about Bryan like why would he ask me if I was coming to his game or not I'm pretty sure Olivia will be there all cheering up for him and he's jersey number written over her face.
While debating with myself I didn't realised that I was already at the playground I called Steve he didn't picked up his call. I thought he might be busy at the practice , so I went inside the ground and waited there until he finishes his practice.
I sat at the fifth row so that I can see Steve. They all were at the field and then there was the heartthrob Bryan all wet by sweat but he still managed to look so hot and the way his black hair fell on his face and how his ass looked so distracting . Omg he caught me looking at him not looking actually checking and drooling at him. And suddenly he was clashed into one of the players and fell on the ground. The coach blew the whistle and everyone gathered around Bryan. I guess he got hurt Steve gave him a support and walked him out of the field and finally Steve saw me and waved at me. I waved him back, Bryan look at me and I smiled at him but he looked away "Okay that was rude"
I made my way downstairs and met Steve and other players. Bryan was sitting on a bench outside the changing room he's hand was bleeding a bit.
"Practice is over all of you go change and Bryan there's a medical kit under that bench just clean your wound" coach said and ran back to the field
Steve comes near to hug me I take my step back
"Oops I'm sorry I'm all covered in sweat and mud but I couldn't control myself, and by the way you look gorgeous" he said
"Thank you" I replied
"I'll go get dressed, why don't you sit here, I swear I'll be quick"
I sat next to Bryan who was removing his shoes I couldn't control myself so I said "Hey"
He looks at me with those beautiful eyes and says
"Do you need any help" I remove medical kit from underneath the bench and place it between us
"No it's fine I can do it on my own"
"Please let me help you remember you helped me in opening up my locker on the first day of my college"
I started opening the kit and removed the cotton bud and put some antiseptic liquid on it
"May I?"
He nods his head and I smoothly rub that cotton on his wound
"This is going to hurt a little"
"That's alright"
He moved his hand a little bit I assume the antiseptic would've burned his wound
So I blew some air so it won't hurt and it's a reflex action
I hold his hand and cleaned the wound he didn't said a word we just sat there in silence and then I placed a bandaid on it
"It's done" I said
"Thank you" he said silently
"Your welcome, just be careful next time" I said smilingly
"So you are going somewhere with, Steve I assume"
"Yeah we are going to have dinner together"
"So you are on a date with Steve"
"Date? I've never been on one and I don't think this as a date" I said hesitatingly
"Don't you have a date with Olivia tonight"
"Yes I have, she'll be here in sometime"
That statement broke my heart that he is accepting that he is going on a date with Olivia
"Great have a good time" and I stood because I didn't wanted to sit with him while he is waiting for his date who don't even like me
"You are from India"
I look at him " Yeah I am why everyone keep asking that what am I a terrorist or something"
"No no I meant" he stood and came closer to me " I didn't knew Indians are so"
He was going to complete it and suddenly Steve came back "hey are you alright now" he asked Bryan he shook his head got and started moving towards the changing room
"Let's go" Steve said

Bryan's pov
After that I heard Steve is going out with Anaya I felt jealous even tho he was my very good friend but I felt jealous that he's going out with her. That girl was messing with my head, heart everything.
In the evening we were having our football practice. I was as usual all focused in my practice because this time we have to win against St. John's. But then I saw her beautiful face. She looked so pretty all my focus was gone just the moment I saw her in red top smiling at me and suddenly I was clashed into one of my team member and fell hard on the ground.
Steve helped me getting up and walked me out of the ground but the trouble began when she did my first aid the reason because of whom I got hurt was now doing my first aid. Amazing.
"This is going to hurt a little" she said
"That's alright" I responded
But it did hurt a little I moved my hand a bit she noticed it
And then she started blowing air from that beautiful mouth trust me I didn't knew I could be turned on so easily
She had that golden skin colour which was shining in that red top with almond shaped eyes and every time she looked at me I was falling for her deeper than before
"It's done" she said by applying a band aid on my wound
I asked her "you are from India"
She replied "yeah I am why everyone keep asking that what am I terrorist or something?"
I guess she has got this a lot and she offended a bit this time
"No no I meant"
I moved closer to her to smell her she had that chocolate smell which drove me crazy and I said
"I didn't knew Indians are so"
But at that moment Steve came back and I didn't wanted to spoil their date so I went to the changing room without completing my statement.

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