Chapter 16

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I don't really feel good today I feel little weak drowsy a little bit but doesn't matter today's match is really important no I'm still not a fan of American football Bryan tried to explain me the game but I really didn't understood anyways I'm a true cricket fan but this match is important for Bryan and his team so it is important for me to cheer for my boyfriend for something that is important to him
So here I am wearing his jersey it's kind of big but it looks cute
The stadium is filled with lots of people like before I wonder if I moved here and if I'll get rich someday I'll buy one of these stadiums. As me Isabella and Amelia quickly sit in our seats and all of us start looking for their man. Isabella and Amelia wave at jake and John. I'm still not able to find Bryan I don't know all of sudden the view gets a little blur I rub my eyes to see clearly this time I see Bryan's beautiful face and my whole body gets ignited I quickly stand up from my seat and wish him luck he blows some flying kiss I laugh at it and the girls sitting in front of our seats sees that too and look at me like I've stolen something from them and keeps glaring at me and my Jersey. Well I get it they must be wondering why am I wearing Bryan's jersey I don't mind keep staring at me it's your eyes that gonna hurt but that is my man girl
I turned my gaze towards Bryan and the thought of meeting his parents gets in my mind My hands were sweating by agitation I slightly reclined back in my seat
And continue to affix my attention on Bryan. His jersey smells like him beside me there is Isabella and Amelia who obviously love football but now they are going more crazy because their boyfriends are on the field and they are hopping like kangaroos
"Excuse me can I sit here" I look up to see Olivia
"" I motion towards the empty seat
"Thanks" she says in a abashed voice
During the whole match all of us were cheering for the team while Amelia was screaming John's name I bet her throat is going to hurt after this match
As the match was over our team won, the whole crowd started to move or you can say the girls were pushing while we four of us made way towards the ground where we could meet boys as I was moving forward I started to quiver again the view in front of my eyes was blurred I slowly moved near to the reeling looking for Bryan but I couldn't see properly as my head started to spin my legs got weak and the cold wind brought shivers down my body I fell hard on the ground, as I was trying to pull myself up a strong arms were wrapped around me.

"Hey" I heard someone's voice as I was struggling to open my eyes suddenly they felt so heavy
I see Bryan's beautiful brown eyes that made me smile
"Hey handsome" I say slowly
"Seriously you are trying to flirt with me in a hospital" he says in a sarcastic tone
Hospital, what! I'm in a hospital
No I can't be the fear of needles scrolls back in my mind since I was a child I've always feared to go to hospital or worse get admitted I look down at my hand to make sure there is no syringe in my hand
Perhaps there isn't
"Why am I here?"
"Remember you fell on the ground"
"I was scared that something might've happened to you so I brought you to the hospital"
"Yeah I do I wasn't feeling well, what happened to me"
"Doctor said you might've a fever and you are little weak so you must've fainted"
"Yeah I was feeling cold"
"He have suggested you some medicines and to see if fever gets better in three days, and to come for a recheck up after that"
"Ohh okay, thank you" I say hugging him, no one has ever such thing to me rather than my family every other guy I met before were never like this rather than their only intention of getting in my pants they didn't care about me like he does I just don't wish to be parted from him, or I just hope that day never comes when he would leave me or worse break my heart but as we know hearts are made to be broken one day, mine has been broken a lot of times but he is the one that fixed I just don't want to be broken again
"What did you just say, thank you"
"I'm sorry, it's just no one has ever taken care of me in the way you did" I place my hand on his cheek my cold hands feel the warmth of his skin, i don't think I can be away from him he is like a need that I didn't knew I wanted so bad
"Why won't I care? when I saw you lying on the floor, you can't even imagine how scared I was" he says placing his hand top of mine
"I'm so sorry I ruined the whole dinner plan I feel horrible"
"I told mom that I am in a hospital with you, it's fine we can have dinner later and my dad isn't home"
I feel bad about him I know he might not say but he is hurt and even mentioning about his dad I could see sadness in his eyes i move closer to him, his nose and forehead is touching mine
And suddenly I heard someone's voice in the way of clearing his throat
We both quickly put out hands away definitely we didn't wanna get embarrassed in front of a doctor
"Steve.." I say he just spoiled my moment
"Yes that's my name but please not on the hospital bed that's all I wanted to say"
"We were not even kissing okay" I say
"Sorry for the interruption but Anaya doctor said we can take you home" Isabella says
"So Shall we?" Bryan ask
"Yes please" I can't stay in the hospital it brings back my painful memory childhood that was hard to forget

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